Work/life balance
Learning curve
I hate working for this company but I will not leave if I dont have something else. They want to know to much about your personal life. If they see a opportunity to take your money they will. You cant get sick then you will not be able to make your target. If you want to put in leave you have to lie because no reason is a good reason even if you tell the truth. They dont appreciate your hard work and if management dont like you they will do anything in their power to work you out of this company. Policy and procedures keeps on changing so it can fit management. The best thing about this place is the agents around me. We keep each other going everyday. The most challenging aspect of this job is to try and make your target if they only give you voicemails to call.
Pros: great opportunity for matriculants
Cons: They want to know to much about your personal life
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Im learning something new each day,love working with people and my collueges
Its awesome beiing able to work,beiing able to interact with people,and the benifit of earning a salary,i learn new things,meet new people.i love working with people,at times its hard to reach your target,but the fact to try and push yourself,to do your utmost best,is an unbelievable experience,me and my co workers get along awesomly well,and help each other,instead of laughing at one another,its incredible,my motto is,enjoy what you do,and youll never get to work a day in your life,thats how i feel now,its the best feeling ever
Pros: getting a chance to earn more then you do
Cons: working long hours
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