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Bakers Transport Reviews


Excellent learning curve and time management

Great exposure and opporunity to take on more responsibility. Excellent to work with different people with different backgrounds. Problem solving customer satisfaction.

Pros: great exposure
Cons: long working hours

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Hard worker, pantually, willing to learn more about logistics industry

I worked for Barkers Transport S A limited company a Night shift, what I enjoyed the most is knowing different languages and working with different people, the relationship between me and the rest it was supper because I was understandable person and respectful, I have learnt to work in groups and working with many and different people and I also learnt how logistics industry works and how trucks are loaded to avoid accidents, stock must be checked before loading, the most challenges I faced is loading and unloading because it needs a person who has strong muscles

Pros: warehouse supervisor and warehouse manager
Cons: 19:00 to 07:00

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Hard worker work under pressure

I am a hard worker and hamble,I can work under pressure,I know the rout very well,I'm also have good communication with my coworkers and good communication with my superiors,and also I have a knowledge of Western Cape and surroundings,thanks Accordion.

Pros: I am willing to work hard for the company and I want to take this company further more.
Cons: I can work almost long hours such as driving long distance,stay away from home more than two or three days.

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Enjoy every aspect of the company typical day is work all day which i enjoy and a challenge excellent work relationship with co workers learned to be procative. learned to be on top of my game. i enjoy working with the drivers and trade partners the most challenging aspect is to get the money in on time..

Pros: yes there is a lot of scope but its also for people who are muslim
Cons: if you are not muslim in religion you dont get paid the correct salary and also you dont really get the preferences and benefits . if you change your religion then the company works wonders for you.

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Excellent learning curve

A typical day at work entails updating PODs, communicating with clients via email and telephone. It also entails resolving queries and providing clients feedback within required time frames. I have a healthy relationship with my colleagues and teamwork is something we practice on a daily basis. I have learnt to be a team player and also to work independently. I have also learnt to think on my feet and to be a problem solver. I enjoy interacting with clients and learning and gaining new skills on a daily basis. The most challenging aspects of my job is resolving queries within the required time frames to ensure customer satisfaction.

Pros: Great opportunity for rowth
Cons: Working extensive hours

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Dispatch bank and recieving

IItisabigcompampanyinthesupplychainandtranspietanddistributionitisofhighervalue.and a very paying company to their employee.Theyarealwayshungrytohelpthoseinneedofjobandabroadtheexperienceofyoungblood.

Pros: Dispatch supervisor
Cons: 12 hour

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Excellent learning curve.

Working at Bakers Transport is strainous and requires dedication. My relationship with my colleagues is excellent and I have learnt about teamwork. I enjoy auditing the various divisions country wide as I get to learn about people from all over the country.

Pros: Great experience.
Cons: Lack of promotions.

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To always be professional an demand client demands.

I'm a good team player an also good individual. I like a challenge an fulfill any task given 2 me with proper instructions. I have experience in alot of different fields that's y I believe I'm the suitable candidate for this post.

Pros: You experience alot of different vehicles to drive.
Cons: Sleeping away from home

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I work well under pressure, have good communication I’m friendly and reliable person I’m punctual. I do my work at my best of ability the most challenging aspect is is when somes scapegoat that berry irritating I enjoy challenging

Pros: Promotion
Cons: Long hours

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Excellent learning

Bakers transport is a good company and working with them helped me alot because i learned a lot of things and still learning each and everyday,even with other workers we work as a team every time if you dont understand something you ask.i still want to learn more

Pros: learning
Cons: long working hours

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