


Work/life balance



Bapo Ba Mokgale Reviews


Good company to work for.

Our company is situated between Rustenburg and Brits. We are supplying PPE to Lonmin Mine. We got more than 16 stores that we are looking after. All employees can come and change their old PPE here at stores but only employees with the clock cards. I enjoy working with my team mates because we understand each other. If there are products we are buying from any supplier and I realise that is expensive I negotiate better price with supplies. If we don't reach a solution I shop around for better price.

Pros: Its a community company
Cons: Everyone want to work there.

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Commutity owned company

Our company is situated between Rustenburg and Brits. We are looking after of all employees PPE before they go underground. We got more than 16 stores at Shafts. If we are not happy about the price of certain products I negotiate for better price or go and look for a similar product at a cheaper products from other suppliers. We work as a team I enjoy working with everyone here because I'm not full time. I have learn a lot on working with manufactures and suppliers of PPE. The job does not have a very big challenge to me but I just make sure that I get all prices I have requested in time.

Pros: Community company
Cons: Everyone want to work there.

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PPE Supplier

Servicing the mine with more than 30000 employees at one of well known mine in North West. Mine is situated between Rustenburg and Brits. We got more than 15 stores used by employees to change their old PPE whenthey go underground and from uunderground on their daily Job. All employees must wear a full personal protective equipment before they go underground.

Pros: Part time
Cons: Few working hours no challenge

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