


Work/life balance



Bayajula Reviews


Bayajula Training Academy

Working for Bayajula is enjoyable, fulfilling and allows me the opportunity to work independently and be responsible for the running of the Bayajula Academy entirely. Fortunately, as we are a small team, we have a good relationship between all the co-workers. I have learnt to manage my time, set goals and develop a business. I enjoy the interaction I have with prospective students and assisting them in making the correct decisions for their studies. I enjoy all aspects of the administration of the business as this is my passion. The most challenging aspect of the job is not having control over the finances which restricts me from making decisions regarding many requirements of the business.

Pros: Work-life balance. I work 3 days a week in the office and the balance from home.
Cons: Finances

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I’m a passionate and self-motivated young man, with a fair technical background who possesses self-discipline and the ability to work with the minimum of supervision. I possessing a good team spirit, deadline orientated and having the ability to organize and present complex solutions clearly and accurately. I possess a teachable spirit and I’m committed to on-going learning

Pros: great opportunity for learning
Cons: lack of projects

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