


Work/life balance



BDM Reviews


Excellent learning curve

I run everything from admin duties to recruiting, signing of contracts. I do alot of pay qeurie. We recruit a lot of people per week, being flexible is an advantage. I am a team worker and work well with my current employees as our job really needs team work. I have learnt to communicate a lot with different people as my job requires me to deal with employees fulltime. I enjoy doing paper work, emails and solving the pay queries. The most challenging part is getting everything ready in a limited time when a new order has been submitted which is another thing I have learned to work well under pressure

Pros: In need of growth
Cons: Working on weekend's

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Smaller company that has a potential of growth

All companies need to look out for their workers, make sure that everyone is happy at all times , needs to be more hands on with regards to the working conditions its employees receive while at the work place. our employee will only come to the offices that we are placed in when there is something wrong or when they are here to make someone sign a warning . Then with all the positive things happening and business meeting its SLA not even a single person will come congratulate the team.

Pros: Room for improvement
Cons: Not willing to try new things and ways of making the work place a fun place

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Great learning experience

- Great team work with colleagues - Long meetings taking too much of work time - Critical thinking on daily work issues - Less opportunities for career development - Tight work schedules - Long days depending on the issues at hand - Learnt to work with internal and external stakeholders to ensure progress on the project - Enjoy engaging with colleagues and other stakeholders - No flexible working hours

Pros: Great working environment
Cons: Limited Promotion opportunities

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Excellent worker and very positive

im a hard worker always give my 110% i love to learn an d always up for somthing new iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Pros: no promotions
Cons: hard worker will work any hours

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