


Work/life balance



Beares Furniture Shop Reviews


Excellent operation strategies

Team builder. Motivate and celebrate well performing staff members. Learn how to overcome objectives. Know strengths and weakness of your staff. People management. Liase with suppliers to resolve customers complains.

Pros: Growth in business
Cons: Normal working hours

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Excellent operational skills.

To motivate staff on achieving their targets. Ensure excellent customer service to external and internal customers. Overcoming objectives for a smooth running of the business. To know all the staff weakness and strengh . Lialise with suppliers to resolve customer's complains. Control and plan a daily routine for entire business. To create a healthy working environment and lead by example. To grow stafff with potential. Ensure that workers are on time to resume their respective duties. Reprimand then where necessary.

Pros: Great opportunity to grow
Cons: Normal working hours

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