


Work/life balance



BEE Verification Agency Reviews


Great experience

receiving of spreadsheet , and bee certificates Printing the certificates , capturing the certificates info on system , double check and mark information and forward the assigned sheet and rejected certificates to relevant analyst .

Pros: gain knowledge
Cons: no growth opportunity

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Excellent learning curve

I am always willing to offer assistance where is needed I have an excellent relationship with the co- workers in the office. I am a naturally caring person with a strong helping orientation personality. My typical work day is working independently done everything that must be done. I have learned to work toward a point not jump from on point to another point first finish the first step then move to the second step. Is to get the job done in a short time but I get it done and some times not to have lunches and teas just to get the work done.

Pros: Great oppertunity for promotions
Cons: Retrenchment

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