


Work/life balance



Bell Events Reviews


Great company, but i was going no where

Bell Events is a small company who exist for over 15years. great opportunities, but unfortunately i didn't receive any training. i had to learn as time passes... had the privilege of seeing places, sleeping in nice hotels, but that was about it for me...

Pros: seeing place on companies account
Cons: long working hour with no extra or overtime money

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Was exelent working there I gained lots of experience. it was a shame when the company closeddown

6tgtgtgrgrtgrgrgrIt was reallya full day every day gyus wiyh witc i worked was amazing hated that we had to leave it was a experience limke no other working thererdfff

Pros: Great oppertunity was to get to work with lostof famous people
Cons: the hours was very long but totally worth it

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