


Work/life balance



Bevcan Reviews



It was a good company especially when its come to engineering field there is alot you can gain, the team or coaches were good and they willinh to teach you

Pros: For the person who wanna grow its a good company
Cons: Working with old people not willing to be taught by youngsters

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Long hours

No growth for shift workers and the hours are long. Working on weekends as hard especially night shifts. The culture is great and people are amazing and caring.

Pros: Off days
Cons: Shift work

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Working at Nampak is great the company looks after its employees very well. Working hours are good and there�s always an opportunity to learn Co workers are great people to work with they embrace team work I have learnt patience and to be a strong leader

Pros: Very stable company
Cons: Structure is flat and less opportunities to grow once you reach management level.

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