


Work/life balance



Bigsave Reviews


I a hard worker concistant and pusionat

Loohskfirkd dieiirhrjr rjeirirjhr dieojrjrie riejrjhrir irkrjrje ejejrhkeo djrkrirhir riorjfjur irkrjrje rirjnfjr jrjtjjrjjt djdjfjrjo dkfo dkdkif kdkfk dkkd food dkrbeldiw dkeb dorbco need oegrjf dichwjjdu jrbriirjr ciejjejr

Pros: Good
Cons: Long working hours

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Excellent learning curve

What i have learnt is that no matter how hard you try or how excellent your work is you will still not be go. You need to keep trying your best to execute the inevitable and to keep trying no matter what and to push through the pressure.od enough.

Pros: Dedication, strive for excellence, meet deadlines,
Cons: Always assisting others with their work

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My time and learning curve

Very busy stressful day....making sure deadlines are met at all times...problem solving and building relationships with clients....we worked as a team always giving a helping hand...I enjoyed the people and how much support we gave each other daily...no matter how hard things got...difficult clients were the most challenging. I learnt a lot when I just started working as I was not familiar with the program used and also excel.I gained knowledge on.basic admin and reception duties, I'm a fast learner and enjoy learning new things

Pros: Leant a lot....felt like family...team spirit was amazing
Cons: Not meeting deadlines....no matter how hard you try it was never recognized

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