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Birchwood Hotel Reviews


Offered a great learning platform other than my field of study.

This has been a great experience for me. I grew up around people and worked with people my entire life, I am a Jehovah's Witness and after graduating I travelled to India on an internship, I learned a lot about myself and people in general. Since I came back I have been at Birchwood hotel as a IT technician in a hospitality sector(starting to think working with people is my calling) and I'm still learning a whole lot from my managers and mentor, I come across different nationalities a day and that's amazing. Every job has its challenges, mine specifically is attending a call to a Chinese/Vietnamese/Spanish guest that has no idea how to communicate in English(Thank god for smartphone's and google translate).. This job has taught me more than my field of study but other jargons of careers as well, now I smile all day and learned greeting gestures of all sorts because its required of me.

Pros: Great platform to network
Cons: Calming down a furious foreign guest that's unable to speak English

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Excellent learning growth

I have a great team of colleagues which we work with hand in hand with. I have started with the food and beverages services learnership after where i got a permanent post at front office and also on sales and marketing. I get to meet different types of people which is a learning curve into knowing how other people live because we get communicate with them. Dealing with difficult guests is always a challenge but following procedures is always a solution

Pros: Self development opportunities
Cons: Long hours

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Its a very busy hotel working with so many conferences each and everyday well known big companies have meetings at that place,our job is to serve the people make their fully accommodate with everything they might need in order for them to have their settings & meetings ,The hotel also host a whole lot of show such jazz festivals & so on.I learned about hospitality services on how to treat a customers

Pros: Learning curve
Cons: Salary is too small for amount of work I do

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I have learned alot

Lately we have been extremely busy. I handle China International groups and that is a lot of rooming lists, making group bookings and customizing pro forma invoices. I also make individual bookings, update payments and send them to accounts. My colleagues are great, we help each other when we are really busy. My manager is also great, she is also helpful if she is not busy.

Pros: We have a good HR department and yes a lot of positions are advertised
Cons: Once you are promoted, the salary does not change

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I'm good lesting

I'm hardworking when I'm work alone even if we work as a team. Self motivated, insured & focus, excellent written and verbal communication skills. I strive to achieve the highest position standard at any task handling its.

Pros: great opportunity at Microsoft office
Cons: work from 07:00 AM to 18:00 PM

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Excellent learning experience

Staff were super friendly and helpful in the kitchen and in every department the people were great in bar everyone worked and helped each other and same in the kitchen. It was always so fun being arou d such people they brought the best out of me and it was a great working opportunity for me. To work. In the kitchen. And in the bar

Pros: Great working opportunity
Cons: Long hours

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To be a permanent

i know how to set up all the hotel venues and i am a hardworker. by taking me i will make a improvement in a organasation. i was at birchwood hotel doing a learnership

Pros: supervisor
Cons: 14 hours

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Diligence and perfect work history

I have exceptional People, Management, Admin, Project Management, IR and Communication Skills. (Afrikaans and English). I enjoy working with employees and know that using discipline in a corrective manner, rather than punitive, is more motivating to team members. I communicate well with people from all walks of life, am an excellent Training Facilitator and have a perfect work history.

Pros: Every day is different - working with people
Cons: Night working hours till 04:00 in the morning on weekends.

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I learn more thing like working under pressure

I really enjoy working there because we also meets new friends everyday I learn working under pressure and what I enjoy most it's my lunch time because they cook for us.. My challenge it's when the place it's busy we also knock of late

Pros: Great opportunity
Cons: Normal working hours

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This hotel is a flat surface hotel which makes my job very interesting because i get to meet new people on a daily basis. Hospitality industry is very interesting which makes me enjoy my day and I love working in this career.

Pros: Good
Cons: Long working hours

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