


Work/life balance



Bitrack Vehicle Tracking Reviews


I work for a vehicle tracking company at key accounts department

i have been working for bid track for two years and was dealing with tracking vehicles ad changed roles to being a key accounts administrator it has been a great opportunity because it is pat of he bid vest group and currently exposed to different clients within bid vest group with assisting them on different problems and services i also stand a chance to also have to explain how the products work in order to give the client an idea of what we are dealing with and how it works at the advantage of being used

Pros: Was a vehicle tracking administrator and changed to bieng a key accounts administrator
Cons: i work from 08;00 till 17:00pm

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Excellent learning curve

My relationship with my co workers is extremely excellent i have always set a bar highly on getting the work done on time and doing damage control on anything outstanding practically by being assertive at all times

Pros: Got a promotion not so long ago
Cons: Dont mind working extra time

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Well trained

Working where I am is a great opportunity for me cause during my period I have learned a lot including multi tasking and also helping within my department on getting work done and vehicles checked on time I have also learned that time and commitment are the most important things that need to be handled with care due to deal I g with clients and giving out good service

Pros: Great opportunities of growth
Cons: Bieng assertive

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