


Work/life balance



Biz Management Assist Reviews


Perfect learning environment for Accounting

Accounting is what I practice on my daily tasks. I enjoy working under finance and accounting department I am friendly to all staff members and able to resolve all issues and problems within the organization The most important lesson I learnt is good personal finance management, accounting at full and so many other things I have enjoyed all most every task I was given at work. I enjoy learning from senior people. The only challenge will be, with Acciunting Before you submit any report you need to verify and recheck every step, otherwise financially, I had been working for 2years and not getting paid as usually for sometimes I am paid right towards the end of the second month or the third month, this is a challenge to me. .

Pros: Great opportunity for someone who has a backup from family and friends
Cons: No long hours

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Excellent learning curve for graduates

fast learner, deadline driven and my co-workers taught me how to be patient and accurate when dealing with clients work, i would say i learnt a lot of things practically within the corporate because i only knew 70%-80% of the theory. the most challenging aspects of the job is dealing or working with stubborn clients/employees.

Pros: Great opportunity for developing your skills and experience
Cons: Working overtime and not being paid for overtime

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Poor leadership

nvoicing and receipting for Company Payments for Company IT support for Company Debtors and Creditors for Company Budgets and Financial Statements for Clients and Company Payroll processing for Clients and Company Tax for Clients and Company Inventory control for Clients and Company General Administration for Company Communicating with Clients Actively participate in any other reasonable activity which may be required to be undertaken to fulfil the objectives of the Company

Pros: Team work
Cons: No opportunities and growth

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