


Work/life balance



Blg Logistics Reviews


Yard management and many more

Yard management. Car carriers transport. Paint shops. Stock yards parking cars of 9000. Saftety file and audids. Training of staff. PPE dress codes. Hearings.

Pros: I love a good operatation daily target must be met
Cons: I have no problem working long hours as

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Good learning curve

We work as a teamWe work as a team most of the time, so that production can gbo qgkguickly, I've learned that team work is great, the meaning of respect and time management is important, challenges that I was facing were production has to be acquired in time, do job accordingly and in time most of the time, so that production can go quickly, I've learned that team work is great, the meaning of We work as a team most of the time, so that production can go quickly, I've learned that team work is great, the meaning of respect and time management is important, challenges that I was facing were production has to be acquired in time, do job accordingly and in time and time management is important, challenges that I was facing were production has to be acquired in time, do job accordingly and in time

Pros: hoping for a promotion
Cons: extra hours

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