


Work/life balance



Body20 Reviews


Life of the harder worker

I wake up at 04:00 to work on my own business as I do to generate an additional income. I am at work at 05:00. I train my clients from 05:00 to 13:00. I go home for a break and continue working on my business. I go back at 15:00 and work till 20:00 the evening. I train all my clients, I sort out my staff and their schedules, I manage all financial accounts and I do necessary admin. We are like a family, my co-workers and I and we always look out for each other. We teach and help each other as we go along. I learn something new every single day and I use it to my utmost advantage to better myself and also the company. I enjoy the relationships with my clients and also the life lessons that they share. The biggest challenge could be that 1 or 2 difficult clients but I always keep a smile on my face to keep the client happy.

Pros: I like what I do
Cons: Long working hours, clients

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Excellent learning curve but less pay

It is a good company but the pay is so less and the working environment is not that bad. Ens training is a new trending thing in fitness but the way they pay people working less shifts is very low as they pay them like people doing a Learnership and it is in a very expensive surbabs

Pros: Learning is good
Cons: Less pay

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Fun environment. Poor salary

The job itself is quite fun. The salary is poor and the hours are odd. It is nice since you miss traffic but they tend to be tiresome and long. There are no opportunities for promotion and growth is limited

Pros: Great environment
Cons: Poor pay

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Learning curve

Pros: Good management skills
Cons: Long hours for minimum pay

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