


Work/life balance



Boland College Reviews


Good customer relationship building

A typical day whilst working at Boland College, would be getting all the learning material ready for the students. I would usually have a re-cap on the previous lesson and also add some real time information as to what is currently happening in that specific industry in South Africa and Globally. It is also important to have one-on-one conversations with the learners as to determine where everyone is on their individual Learning Curve. With the Learnerships I was also in contact with the employers of the company to ensure that their is a strong communication structure in place. The most exciting part for me about that position was to get feedback from learners after a couple of years and see how they have grown and the impact I had on their lives.

Pros: Great opportunity to gain experience regarding Education in all forms be it NCV, Nated or Learnerships. Constant learning curve.
Cons: The administration is alot so I just had to manage my time accordingly.

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Excellentlearning curve

Dealing with different customers have contributed in my customer service knowledge and has improved because I can deAL with customers professionally in any state they are facing. This was the opportunity for me to practicality what I leant at tertiary to the real world. Now I believe I have what it takes to be the best at work place. Being a student and work at the same time tough me how to multi-task even at work I am able to do the very same thing. Working as a team gives gave me a lot to learn about and such as leadership, team player, and organizer and coordinator.

Pros: Trusted
Cons: Long hours

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Was wonderful experience, I've learned a lot.

WORK EXPIRIECNCE 19 January 2015 December 2017 Boland College, Student Facilitator • Assist students with practical computer practise and skills. • Support Lectures to ensure remedial students are supported and mentored. • Ensure that students keep up to pace with IT and Computer practice classes. • Teach and induct basic computer skills to new beginners.

Pros: Was good to be around different characters.
Cons: Short hours

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Intrumental skills

Boland college is good TVET institution. One of the best in the region. My relationship with co-workers is good. We work well together, because my position is essentially a managerial role my direct report is the Campus Manager. Here I have learnt that keeping communication validates the credibility of your brand. it sustains it's known value from one community to another. Thus every interaction is crucial especially at the front desk and via e-mail responses. I enjoy the internal campaigns and written communication initiated internally and with the institutions external audience. Regards Yolanda

Pros: Media liason
Cons: Distance

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Excellent learner

I am a kind and loyal person Have good communication skills Excellent at reading and writing, like to communicate with others what i learnt is that when you have issues at home, you leave them at home don't take your frustrations to your colleagues because you can lose your job at work you must always be calm and polite

Pros: at this campus we gain a lot of experience
Cons: Long working hours

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A lot of opportunities to better yourself academically

Get to work and checking emails, discuss and brief work with general workers and maintenance staff, attend to general duties in the morning, take daily post between campuses, ensure that all workers stick to their quality and standards, attend to all daily emergencies and incidents on campuses.

Pros: secure working environment
Cons: no room for growth

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My typical work day is from 7:30am till 16:30. Nice relaxed atmosphere with good colleagues. Meeting deadlines is one of the most challenging aspect of my job, And sometimes suppliers can be difficult.

Pros: Working conditions and working hourd
Cons: Work load and compensation

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Great oppertunity to gain work experience

My last job was at Boland College as a registration assistant. I help out on a contract basis as and when they need me. I do the registration of new and returning students. Data capturing, updating information, filing and fine sorting documents.

Pros: Great work experience, expanding my knowledge
Cons: It is only short term.

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Working with all student, registering students to be funded by NSFAS.

This College is one of the best workplaces I've ever worked for, the students as well as the colleagues are amazing and they always try to help where ever they can, and most importantly the respect comes from both sides.

Pros: Great opportunity to gain new skills
Cons: Salary

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Nice relaxing atmosphere

Love working with students. Relaxed atmosphere. training opportunities is available. Co - workers is reliable. Learnt a lot about procurement. Tax reviews. Got a opportunity to study further in my field. To meet deadline I find challenging.

Pros: good environment
Cons: Deadlines

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