


Work/life balance





Excellent learner

It's good working here just I have many responsibility so I need more salary than the one am getting to fulfill them. The is peace workers we understand each other

Pros: Great opportunity to learn
Cons: Much capacity of work

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Good start of experience

Having to help many clients at same time I am answering the telephone Good relationship to an extent that I sometimes forget that I'm at work How to be professional no matter how angry client is. Welcoming clients especially when I realize that they are free to talk to me. Dealing with difficult clients whereby I have to keep quite and listen to them even when I hear that they are wrong

Pros: Good career skill
Cons: Long working hours

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Fast learner not afraid of any challenge because I turn it into a goal that I must achieve

I'm committed and passionate about life and my work and I do it for my family and my daughter... Love learning more about new adventures both at work and life.

Pros: I set goal to achieve more in life, I'm a team player
Cons: I can't settle for laziness

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