


Work/life balance



Bregan Properties Reviews


Honest, Reliable, Hard working, quick learner

First thing in the morning phone for outstanding rental, read emails and attend to queries, check for contracts and renewals for accuracy, load on payprop and send off to owners and tenants. Prepare deposit refunds. Prepare quotations for repairs which are needed at the units send them to owners for approvals and book appointments for maintenance and get invoices from them. I work very well with my fellow colleges. I have learnt a lot over the years regarding rentals and I enjoy working in this industry. The most challenging aspect of my job is the collection of outstanding rentals. It is very difficult to get people to pay their rent as most of them always have an interesting story to tell.

Pros: Working with the people
Cons: collecting outstanding rentals

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Quick learner, Fast thinker

Meeting in the morning Phone outstanding rentals Attend to emails and queries I help all staff with contracts and credit checks I learnt to work on Payprop, TPN and Sage Pastel I enjoy working with people and help people. The most changeling part of my work is phoning for rental.

Pros: Learning new aspects of the industry
Cons: Not able to move further in the company

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Excellent learning curve

Has own schedule The relationship with workers is excellent I enjoy meeting different people from aspects of life I�ve learnt to not take things personal and that not all comes easy

Pros: Great opportunity for promotion
Cons: None

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