


Work/life balance



Brothernall Brothers Reviews


Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel. Dairy Maintaing, Agenda and Munitues on the meeting i typing,

My duties are to typing , receiving outgoing and incoming call, photocopy, maintaining Dairy, Typing minutes and Agenda , Filing System. I enjoying work in a team environment and I get along well with people . I am communication between my co-worker. To learn to treat every body the same and give them respect. I am comfortable using Microsoft Word and Microsoft excel as spread sheet . when people they don't want to work over time and job not done at yet. I take my personal life aside make my job done .

Pros: They take to the next level that i learn other programme like flow chart .
Cons: 8 to 9 hour

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Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel. Dairy Maintaing, Agenda and Munitues on the meeting i typing,

I like to work In a team environment and I get along well with people communication between my co-worker. I learnt how to handle stress in a work place . I am very comfortable to using Micro Soft Word for Office work, Micro Soft Excel for spread sheet Sometime I spend more time than necessary on a task or have volunteer to take on task personally that could easily be handled by someone else in the officer.

Pros: oppotunity i found my boss he removed me to data capture to receptionist that i can earn how to answer the out going and incoming calls in a proper manner of telephone edequetor.
Cons: 8 to 9 hour

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