Work/life balance
Excellent first start
Bsc is a great company to start out at. There is room for growth as an idavidual, but for me I have been here four year and have the skills of managing a small staff of 15 to 20 people. Unfortunately I have reached my full potential here and I feel there is no more growth for me. It's a good place to learn how to commit to a job and learn all the ins and outs of a company and how to follow instructions. The work is very stress full and alot of pressure daylie to reach your deadline. Co workers are all good people just trying to survive through life. I enjoy the most when I am appreciative and appreciated for my hard work and dedication
Pros: Lovely people and bosses
Cons: Long hours lots of stress
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A company that goes the extra mile
With my years here at BSC, I have met wonderful people, build a lot of co-worker friendships and they are really ready to got the extra mile if you give your all for them. They are wiling to help you no matter what.
Pros: Excellent People skills
Cons: Entry level
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Excellent learning curve
I have been working at BSC Stationery sales for more than a year and a half , it has tought me a lot of stuff. I was a team leader that was controlling loads for customers and I had to ensure the right stock goes out to the customer. Making of trip sheets , tracking of drivers and ensuring no damage stock that is being shipped out. By receiving I had to learn how to receive stock and check according to invoice and quantity of stock ordered, and making sure all the stock is being labeled and sent to the right departments of the warehouse so that it can be pulled and packed for customers. What I have enjoyed the most was all the challenges that was brought to my path. And the most challenging was and still is every day time, to make sure we finish on time and working fast everyday.
Pros: Very easy to do the job
Cons: No opportunities
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