


Work/life balance



BT Group Reviews


working for the above listed institutions made me gain a lot of experience both in office and in public. I am now able to communicate well verbally and in writing. i also gained a lot of experience in administration and secretarial.

Pros: it is an opportunity to explore my expertise
Cons: i do work long hours and in weekends

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I�ve been retrenched recently and looking for new opportunities

A typical work day at British telecom, we would work 12 hour shifts over a 4 day period and have 4 days off, usually they would be from 7am-7pm and rotate monthly, The environment was really high pressure and stressful at times however I learnt to cope with it over time, I would say I enjoy the challenges of dealing with a difficult customer base and having new issues occur each day , we provided support to international clients in the APAC and EMEA region, unfortunately we were retrenched last year March and the company had to close down the Durban office. I hope that I can be given an opportunity to work for your company.

Pros: Established company
Cons: Switch between night shift to day shift monthly

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