Work/life balance
Perform daily admin fuctions first part of the day, business and s5aff procurement funtions, set up and attend meeting when necessary. D3velop creative concepts with the team for online marketing. Seldom take lunch breaks. Usually eat while working because I enjoyed what I did nd set my own deadlines and timeframes as well. Being the Business Manageress allows for only limited authority which i rather frustrating because I did not hqve access to the financial resources to grow the business to its full potential within the standard e-commerce time for such businesses to start making profit.
Pros: one can grow in such a business
Cons: owner not business savvy
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Perform daily admin fuctions first part of the day, business and s5aff procurement funtions, set up and attend meeting when necessary. D3velop creative concepts with the team for online marketing. Seldom take lunch breaks. Usually eat while working because I enjoyed what I did nd set my own deadlines and timeframes as well. Being the Business Manageress allows for only limited authority which i rather frustrating because I did not hqve access to the financial resources to grow the business to its full potential within the standard e-commerce time for such businesses to start making profit.
Pros: one can grow in such a business
Cons: business still not making sales
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Taking control of a start-up
I work at a start-up, e-commerce company called Bula Deals and I am the only one working in the Marketing Department, basically I am the marketing department. I have to work very closely with all three of my colleagues. We run a process where I have to work very closely with the product developer and Web developer to do product descriptions, pricing, newsletters, etc. I usually work by myself doing budgets, Sales strategies, marketing campaigns and so forth.
Pros: I get to work on my own and be in control
Cons: Inconsistency
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