


Work/life balance



Bumba Technos Reviews


Excellent learning curve

There's always room to grow because I would assist in all the departments. Some days I'd administrator financial stuff, other times I'd be in the technicians room assisting them too.

Pros: Room for growth
Cons: You're expected to work in all departments. I'd find myself assisting finance one day, the next I'd be doing technical support.

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Great learning experience

Start off the day at 7:30 - 16:30 Days are hectic except festive We work greatly together with my colleagues and one wouldn�t know that are. I have honestly learnt everything i know now because when I come here? I had no idea what IT industry is and how it looks like. I love working with clients and solving their problems. It gives me life knowing that I have helped /assisted my clients. My job is not really challenging but rather it�s thoughtful. It requires a lot of brains and focus too.

Pros: Great social exposure and great learning of different thins
Cons: Under paid

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