


Work/life balance



CSX customer Services Reviews


Still on process

Only hardworkers are recognised. Room for growth is available.new possitions to can apply within the companu always advertised.employee s that work hard as well areinvited to the awards yearly. The company is growing everyday.good service is provided by employees.

Pros: growth is big
Cons: 8-4:30

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Educational Dynamic

Working at CSX has it's up's and down's like any other company. I have learnt alot from this company and it has grown not only myself in my work ethic but has given me a wider spectrum of the business world. It's a vibrant work environment always buzing. I have a great relationship with every colleague I work with. We are here to work and be adults but also to lend a helping hand when one needs it. I enjoy the motivation they give us to want to learn new things. This job has taught me great malti tasking skills, great client to customer skills and more. The challenges are that it's very hard to get people to listen to you and to get them to view your oppinions. Grow is not that easy here but I am always trying to push my way through.

Pros: Through different challenges
Cons: No incentives like bonuses or increase

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