


Work/life balance



Fountain Private Hospital Reviews


Admission clerk

work days, are the most interesting hours of the day day, were you able to meet different people doctor etc i i mostly enjoyed working day shifts. relationship wise with co workers was the best, space and environment was the greatest i learned alot from people in the hospital I've overcome alot of challenges in the beginning, but im strong and hard working person i over come those obstacles like nothing was ever harder. i worked with different doctors, nurses with medical aids on top and diagnose.. im very greatful to the company for the person iam toxay

Pros: great opportunity learnt alot from the company
Cons: hours are fair

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Learning curve.

I have learnt the management of different health conditions including management of HIV/Aids and its opportunistic infections. In primary health care it was more of preventative and problem identification, in the hospital its more of curative experience. i have learnt a lot of diagnostic tests to help patients identify their health issues and act on them. i have worked with specialists of different fields. I have more information than the information i had before. I can refer to relevant departments based on the findings of my case studies.

Pros: Great opportunity to broaden my knowledge
Cons: Long working conditions

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