


Work/life balance



Heavy Commercial Vehicles Reviews


Excellent learning curve

16h30 my day starts after the office closes Attend to broken down commercial vehicles after office closes Dispatch roadside assistance when needed and explain product I have a very good relationship with my colleague workers communication is always key No hassles, I learnt to self manage, self control, and responsibility for just actions and make the hard decisions What I enjoy most is the compliments from my computer workers Is not being able to go the extra mile when it's most needed as per my job description

Pros: Great opportunity to grow individualy
Cons: Low income

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No room for growth

Ien, transparent, energetic person and maintain integrity in everything you do. I have experience in dealing with drsonal skills along with the ability to provide exceptional, outstanding service to clients. I also answer phones, relay messages and greeting clients in a friendly and professional manner. I am highly motivated, reliable and ready to p

Pros: No room. For growth
Cons: No fair treatment

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