


Work/life balance



Mashova Reviews


Workking on sites

Hard workking man... love my job.. workking on sittes i have love that meet new people and new things. I consider myself dedicated,focused and a work driven individual who does nod shy away from hard work. I believe in a healthy ethos of team work

Pros: Meeting new peopel,work on sites,learn to help peopel who needs help.. whe stand by each ather
Cons: Long working houers

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Challenging job opportunities

Starting out with normal daily routines and do challenges as they come along during day. Very good relationship with all co-workers and learnt most of all to prioritize. I do enjoy reaching deadlines most and the challenges to do this is definitely the most challenging aspect of my job.

Pros: Low salary for thwe work I am doing.
Cons: No opportunity for promotion

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Attention to detail; accuracy

Challenging situations and problems to attend to. Detailed attention needed every single day. SARS complacency on every single invoice. To build and maintain on good relations with co workers and suppliers. big corporate companies. I learnt to be attentive to every small task, document and able to eliminate all scams and fake suppliers. Controlling of stock, water and lights and reconciling different monthly supplier accounts and sorting ou tall problems. Most challenging aspect of my job is to keep my age analysis clear of queries and I am highly successful in this.

Pros: Keeping me on after age of 60
Cons: No change for promotion or salaryh increase

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