


Work/life balance



New Era Reviews


Good business job

I was giving the best service to the company but was not really being paid well. job starts at 8am but would be forced to start 7am, but i ready loved my job because i have 16 years experience of driving. we would work overtimes which i was not been paid but i would not complain. we would travel around Pretoria and around Johannesburg which was my exciting experience even to the north west. I was in good relationship with the boss he loved me for my honesty and taking good responsibility for the job the cars and the factory's even the co-workers. I loved my job

Pros: was a good job
Cons: was working long hours

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Great learning opportunity

We handle trucks that come to deliver school books for government schools, we check them for any damages then hand them over to the distributing company. We work well as a team and have learnt extensively on how to manage a team

Pros: Great opportunity for learning
Cons: Long hours

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Learned about packaging and further key account work

Stressful and slow with evolving times. I come from corporate background with correct channels in place to make business more effective and efficient. This is a family owned business that is worth R8billion a year hut is very backward. I'm frustrated as I've tried to change many items to streamline the business but they chose not to. I'm frustrated currently and I'm would like to move back into FMCG.

Pros: N/A
Cons: Stressful, over worked, ideas fall on deaf ears.

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