


Work/life balance



Prasa Reviews


Your relationship with co-workers - Excellent

typical work day - Your relationship with co-workers - Excellent - What you have learnt- Strategy and policy formulation - What you enjoy most - everyday you learn something new - The most challenging aspects of the job- constant changes in Leadership

Pros: Career prospects, remuneration and benefits
Cons: lack of Organisational Vision

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Data Caputurer

I work in an environment where I capture the shift journals of the tickets sold at the station from 7:30 to 16:00. My relationship with my co-workers is very good,yes we have missunderstadings but we solve them amoung ourselves. The most challenging aspect of my job is monthend, where we have to capture the documents till the last day of the month and the stations do not deliver the documents on time, we have to call/email them.

Pros: There is lot of room for promotions
Cons: When we have to work late and weekends because of the backlog

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Good learning Curve

It is has been a good learning experience working under various departments and divisions within the organisation. I'm currently under resourced therefore i"m unable to perform my duties optimally. The housing and medical subsidies are quite low and don't get incremented periodically, the annual increase is below double digits

Pros: Reduced prices on train rides and annual salary increase
Cons: under resourced, inadequate medical & Housing subsidy,

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I am willingly to learn for any couses you give and i will give my best.

As a trsin driver for mor than 15 years and and as safety office more than 2 years at prasa.i learned a lot of thing how to deal with customers.presently doing exposure for 2 years at safety department i learned lot of things concerning safety.i enjoy my job at safety because we are working as a strong team.the most challenger is contructors they pretend like they comply but we stop them to work

Pros: Any oppotunity i will take
Cons: Yes i can work overtime

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Review day to day operations with heads of units. Providing guidance to under performing units and advise them on the impact of poor performance. I learn from each an every colleague whether the lowest paid or the highest paid. It is iportan to note that the information is the oxygen of any business so this give me the strength to focus more on what we produce than how we produce. To unlock the bottlenecks is a challenging factor when officials dont understand business principles.

Pros: I'm a results oriented individuals
Cons: Culture

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I am very competent,reliable and abke to do my assigned work on time

Full payroll function.ability to deal strictly with confidential issues.ability to make sure that payroll is paid on time and have an ability to ensure that labor matters and payroll regulation is adhered to.

Pros: Yes
Cons: Yes

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Greener pastures

I'm sure sure if I'm getting paid according to my worth. I want to look for another job with a better income.but I am afraid I don't wanna love better offers

Pros: great opportunity for promotion
Cons: long overtime

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I am a quick lenner and Open to learn

I enjoy and passionate to work on projects and facilities management environment. Interacting, building and maintaning good working relationship with the team is beneficialry towards the success of the Organisation. Good relationships promotes healthy and positive working environment.

Pros: Great opportunity for learning
Cons: Long working hours

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Great planning and managerial Skills.

A typical day would include: staff supervision, auditing accounting documents, replenish inventory, handling customer complaints. I had an excellent relationship with my co-workers including the teams I led. I have advanced my interpersonal and managerial skills. I enjoyed the auditing of accounting documents, working with people and planning for revenue collection actions. What I found challenging was the falsified accounting documents by staff in order to defraud the company, and the institution of disciplinary action.

Pros: Opportunity to be a better manager
Cons: Long working hours

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Excellent Safety Background and Experience

Promote occupational health and safety within an organisation and develop safer and healthier ways of working  Inspect workplaces and workplace equipment, such as scaffolding, to ensure they meet safety regulations and to identify hazards and risks  Ensure that workplaces conform with organisational procedures and safety standards  Work with engineers and other professionals to ensure the safety of worksites and work practices  Ensure personal protective equipment is being used in workplaces according to regulations  Ensure dangerous materials are correctly stored

Pros: opprtunity for been promoted anytime soon
Cons: I have safety experience than Enviornmental Management experience

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