


Work/life balance



TK Auto Executive Reviews



Buying and selling vehicles on a daily basis. Also purchase accident damage vehicles and repair them in order to be sold. Work with a team that consist out of panel beater and mechanic. Have to respect one another in order to get the work done and earn an income. Must be prepared to go the extra mile in order to make a profit. Sometimes even have to work extensive times in order to complete tasks. Learnt that there are plenty of competition in the private sector and if you don't have enough funds is difficult to compete against various oppositions. The aspect that I had enjoyed most was to see your result after a task is totally completed. The most challenging aspect is the poor economics of South Africa. Even if you deliver the best quality work, but you can not obtain sufficient customers to purchase your product, you cannot make a success of the business.

Pros: Great sales opportunities
Cons: Financial constrains

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Started my own business in buying, repairing and selling vehicles. The economy currently not suitable for such type of business and could not generate a steady income. Market also flooded with similar business that causes the smaller business owners to look for alternative employment. Had, however, leaned various entrepreneurial skills and had learned to appreciate income.

Pros: Self-employment
Cons: Poor economy - high risk

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