


Work/life balance



Ucs Technology Services Reviews


Quality Customer service

To be able to assists both the IT staff and clients by associating tickets to the relevant clients and making sure that no client is left behind in his/her inquiries. There are many features that go with help desk software, such as email-to-ticket conversion, separate portal for technicians and administrators, surveys, knowledge-base, file-attachments and more. We have a professional relationship and we rely on each other. I have learnt a lot from working at UCS TS, Quality of customer service delivery and Communications skills are essential at the call desk.

Pros: Delivering customer serving
Cons: Working at night.

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Career Growth in Retail IT

Scrum meeting every day discussing the projects we have planned in a two week sprint (Agile Methodology). Gathering requirements bushiness requires and compile functional specifications

Pros: Good culture
Cons: Work on weekends

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