


Work/life balance



Ukweza Holdings Reviews


Challenging curve

I'm a young man who works with different kinds of people, work and everyone is ok I've learned a lot in the past five year's working as a driver and helping orphanage home's My cv explains everything I can't include all here.

Pros: Great opportunity for growth
Cons: Normal hours

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Data Capturer

overworked with not enough data capturers to complete the enormous task that is expected of us. We work long hours to finish our deadlines. Not enough support from management to ensure we get our tasks on time from the units and this puts more pressure and stress on to meet the deadlines every month.

Pros: none
Cons: Long hours, family is neglected. Paying more out of pocket to pay for aftercare or other transport to fetch kids from school as i cannot.

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Long hours, little rewards

I work under a lot of pressure, averaging 12 hours per day (some weekends as well). I have 5 staff that I manage and I get along very well with them all. Since starting here, I have become an excel pro, which I enjoy a lot. My job is challenging as there's a lot of factors beyond my control, but within my responsibilities.

Pros: Great learning curve
Cons: Long hours, little rewards

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Company development skills

I receive and place orders to the suppliers, stock tacking, issuing and coatings,cooking and has sting manager with bokkeping.I enjoy my job because I work with healthy people and patients.

Pros: yes
Cons: 13 hrs

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