


Work/life balance



Umbhaba Estates Reviews


Passion for agri. Management experience. Retail exp. accounting knowledge

I can work with people. Manage them. Motivate them. With financial experience. To manage a bussiness. I can do sales. I am mechanically minded too. Some people are better at a job than what is written on paper. I am such a person. I believe in looking at detail. I am a good father. Loyal to my wife for 30 years. I love hunting and shooting rifles.

Pros: Big company.
Cons: Dictatorship

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I'm a fast leaner and hurd worker and able to work over time

In my company i enjoy alots and it was just like at home because we were knowing earch others and day by day i was leaning different thinks cos our company was very big good communication with my co' workers no one has to tell what to do because i i already know where i end yesterday so that how work at my previous campany

Pros: i wold like to be rate on my work
Cons: working long hours i do like as well

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I have wire man's licence

im a hard working person who worked him self up from a junior shift electrician to a day shift senior electrician at the biggest still company Arcelor Mittal in the vaal triangle and end up been a Master Electrician

Pros: great place to learn more on IT
Cons: irrigation knowledge

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