


Work/life balance





Excellent learning opportunity

Working with computers every day was my work. I liked it so much. I had a strong relationship with ma xo-workes because when they ask me to do something for them I did not turn to be a hard person, I did what they ask of me( if it is my job description of cause. I am computer literate so I really enjoy typing . I had no challenges except that my weakness was that I committed myself too much to the work thatthey usually gave me so that leaded me to finish my work so early

Pros: Great opportunity to learn and obtain more knowledge in the administration industry
Cons: Everything was perfect

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Striving for the best always

8 hours a day with load of work that needs to reach target.A good team player with a good relationship with co workers.I learned of how to operate a computer and sometimes work at switchboard and data capturing.

Pros: A very big opportunity of growth in terms of working environment
Cons: overworked and underpaid

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Excellent learning curve

I was working in that company, currently unemployed and seeking for an opportunity I'm a young and strong enough to be trusted in working with people or in any given activity to me, and I'm ready to be given an opportunity St any time

Pros: Great opportunity for promotion
Cons: Long working hours

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