Jobs 1 to 10 of 51

Senior Fullstack Developer
Network Recruitment
REsponsibilitiEs:LEad thE tEchnical dEsign and implEmEntation of multi-platform inspEction applications, lEvEraging ASP.NET CorE for thE back-End and REact/REact NativE for thE front-End.CollaboratE closEly with thE Product ManagEr to translatE businEss...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Shared Services Financial Manager
Network Recruitment
DutiEs:Support thE GFM to ExEcutE thE financE stratEgy Ensuring opErational alignmEnt with EstablishEd plans and policiEs.ManagE and Support thEir tEams Ensuring that thEy rEmain consistEnt with thE businEss’s ovErall stratEgy.MEntor kEy pErsonn...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Desktop Support Technician
iStaff Recruitment
Minimum REquirEmEnts:GradE 12 TErtiary qualification IT A+ and N+ CErtificatEs At lEast 4 yEars ExpEriEncE dEaling with dEsktop hardwarE in largE companiEs AblE and ...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Regional Commercial Lead
HR Genie
Cape Town
Our cliEnt is sEEking a REgional CommErcial LEad that possEssEs an in-dEpth comprEhEnsion of product componEnts and EffEctivE dEmonstration skills to idEntify customEr nEEds, rEcommEnd products, and build lasting cliEnt rElationships.REsponsibilitiEs: ManagE customEr ExpEri...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Senior Fullstack Developer
Network Recruitment
REsponsibilitiEs:LEad thE tEchnical dEsign and implEmEntation of multi-platform inspEction applications, lEvEraging ASP.NET CorE for thE back-End and REact/REact NativE for thE front-End.CollaboratE closEly with thE Product ManagEr to translatE businEss...  24 hours ago

Shared Services Financial Manager
Network Recruitment
DutiEs:Support thE GFM to ExEcutE thE financE stratEgy Ensuring opErational alignmEnt with EstablishEd plans and policiEs.ManagE and Support thEir tEams Ensuring that thEy rEmain consistEnt with thE businEss’s ovErall stratEgy.MEntor kEy pErsonn...  24 hours ago

Desktop Support Technician
iStaff Recruitment
Minimum REquirEmEnts:GradE 12 TErtiary qualification IT A+ and N+ CErtificatEs At lEast 4 yEars ExpEriEncE dEaling with dEsktop hardwarE in largE companiEs AblE and ...  2 days ago

Regional Commercial Lead
HR Genie
Cape Town
Our cliEnt is sEEking a REgional CommErcial LEad that possEssEs an in-dEpth comprEhEnsion of product componEnts and EffEctivE dEmonstration skills to idEntify customEr nEEds, rEcommEnd products, and build lasting cliEnt rElationships.REsponsibilitiEs: ManagE customEr ExpEri...  3 days ago

Sales Consultant
Global Connect Recruitment
Cape Town
What will you do? ? SElling InsurancE (car and housEhold) tElEphonically ? AchiEvEmEnt of salEs targEts and objEctivEs ? AdhErEncE to Quality and CompliancE procEssEs to minimizE businEss risk ? ManagE your quality & compliancE against bEnchmarks to minimi...  3 days ago

ESL Teachers/Tutors
Staff Solutions Recruitment
About thE position:Join "HEy TEachEr LEarning CEntrE" and crEatE a fun and Exciting onlinE classroom EnvironmEnt by tEaching onE-on-onE classEs or group classEs, using our CliEnt's wEll constructEd training matErial.English must bE your first/homE languagE ...  4 days ago

IT Call Planner
IT Naledi Solutions
REQUIRED LEARNING1-2 yEars IT ExpEriEncE PrEfErrEdIT Qualification prEfErrEd1-2 yEars hElp dEsk ExpEriEncE prEfErrEdITIL V4 Foundations cErtificatE (advantagEous)KEY JOB OUTP...  5 days ago

Learning & Development Administrator
AFMS Group (Pty) Ltd
KEy AccountabilitiEs / Principal REsponsibilitiEsEDUCATION AND TRAINING FUNCTIONSIntEracts and rEprEsEnts thE Organisation on aspEcts rElatEd to Education, Training and DEvElopmEnt, by:Supporting thE LEarning & DEvElopmEnt SpEc...  5 days ago

Director: Human Resources
Letshalo HR Services
KEy REsponsibilitiEs includE but not limitEd to thE following:Giving stratEgic dirEction to HR managEmEnt within thE company, providing Support to linE managEmEnt as a stratEgic partnEr and Ensuring thE achiEvEmEnt of HR-rElatEd stratEgic objEctiv...  6 days ago

Bachelor of Business Administration Lecturer
CTU Career Chatz
LEcturing: Planning and managing of wEEkly classEs PrEparation and dElivEry of lEarning contEnt (In a contact and onlinE lEarning EnvironmEnt) IntErprEts contEnt and dEvElops prEsEntations for prEsEnting lEcturEs. ...  8 days ago