Jobs 1 to 10 of 22

Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
This wEll-known REtail company is on thE lookout for a Financial Accountant! If you arE rEady to join a company that has ovEr 4 dEcadEs of ExpEriEncE and continuEs to shinE within thEir industry, thEn you arE at thE right placE! This company is looking for an individual who can add ...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:This wEll-known REtail company is on thE lookout for a Financial Accountant! If you arE rEady to join a company that has ovEr 4 dEcadEs of ExpEriEncE and continuEs to shinE within thEir industry, thEn you arE at thE right p...  5 days ago
Sponsored Job

Sales Representative/ Accounts Manager (Food Industry)
Dante Personnel
Minimum rEquirEmEnts: Must bE fluEnt in Afrikaans and EnglishA dEgrEE in commErcE, food tEchnology or sciEncE is rEquirEdMust havE at lEast 2 yEars' rElEvant ExpEriEncE in salEs and must havE a provEn salEs track rEcordStrong...  5 days ago
Sponsored Job

Senior Cross- Platform Mobile Developer (Hybrid)
Communicate Recruitment
Your quEst (if you choosE to accEpt it): craft, codE, and conquEr cutting-EdgE mobilE applications using framEworks likE FluttEr, REact NativE, Xamarin, or MAUI. LEad daring ExpEditions, mEntor EagEr codE warriors, and EnsurE our solutions arE pixEl-pErfEct. Skills ...  9 days ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
This wEll-known REtail company is on thE lookout for a Financial Accountant! If you arE rEady to join a company that has ovEr 4 dEcadEs of ExpEriEncE and continuEs to shinE within thEir industry, thEn you arE at thE right placE! This company is looking for an individual who can add ...  3 days ago

Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:This wEll-known REtail company is on thE lookout for a Financial Accountant! If you arE rEady to join a company that has ovEr 4 dEcadEs of ExpEriEncE and continuEs to shinE within thEir industry, thEn you arE at thE right p...  5 days ago

Sales Representative/ Accounts Manager (Food Industry)
Dante Personnel
Minimum rEquirEmEnts: Must bE fluEnt in Afrikaans and EnglishA dEgrEE in commErcE, food tEchnology or sciEncE is rEquirEdMust havE at lEast 2 yEars' rElEvant ExpEriEncE in salEs and must havE a provEn salEs track rEcordStrong...  5 days ago

Senior Cross- Platform Mobile Developer (Hybrid)
Communicate Recruitment
Your quEst (if you choosE to accEpt it): craft, codE, and conquEr cutting-EdgE mobilE applications using framEworks likE FluttEr, REact NativE, Xamarin, or MAUI. LEad daring ExpEditions, mEntor EagEr codE warriors, and EnsurE our solutions arE pixEl-pErfEct. Skills ...  9 days ago

Senior Cross-Platform Mobile Developer (Hybrid)
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:Your quEst (if you choosE to accEpt it): craft, codE, and conquEr cutting-EdgE mobilE applications using framEworks likE FluttEr, REact NativE, Xamarin, or MAUI. LEad daring ExpEditions, mEntor EagEr codE warriors, and EnsurE our solutions arE pixE...  9 days ago

Mechanical Engineer - Building Services (PTA)
Zecutive Consultants
DutiEs & REsponsibilitiEsProvidE MEchanical WEt EnginEEring dEsign and projEct consulting sErvicEs to thE building industry.ConcEpt DEsign, DEtail DEsign, Cost, SpEcify, TEndEr and ProjEct ManagEmEnt of NEw and REfurb projEcts in thE CommErcial Built EnvironmEnt:O...  12 days ago

Product Analyst
Alinta Tech Solutions
Job Summary: WE arE sEEking an Enthusiastic and analytical individual to support thE rEalization of our BusinEss StratEgy. This rolE involvEs undErstanding and clEarly communicating product rEquirEmEnts to all rElEvant stakEholdErs. As a kEy mEmbEr of a dynamic Product tEam, you ...  15 days ago

Junior Payroll Clerk (Retail / FMCG), Centurion
Fokus Personnel CC
GradE 12 - HR Qualification will bE an addEd advantagEExpEriEncE in a REtail EnvironmEnt will bE an advantagEGood working knowlEdgE of ExcEl and Word is EssEntial - Draw up and compilE nEw SprEadshEEts...  15 days ago

Java Developer (Senior)
Liyema Consulting
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:- DEsign and dEvElop Java applications for REtail VEhiclE ManagEmEnt – VSS.- CollaboratE with cross-functional tEams to dElivEr high-quality solutions.- EnsurE adhErEncE to bEst practicEs in softwarE dEvElopmEnt and agilE ...  16 days ago

Assistant Manager, Pretoria North
Mirna Butler Recruitment
Pretoria North
Our cliEnt is rEcruiting for an Assistant ManagEr in PrEtoria North. CandidatEs who mEEt thE bElow minimum rEquirEmEnts arE invitEd to submit thEir application via thE link providEd. CandidatEs who mEEt thE bElow minimum rEquirEmEnts arE invitEd to submit thEir application via thE link pro...  16 days ago