Jobs 1 to 5 of 5
Staff Solutions Recruitment
East london
Job REsponsibilitiEs: LEad and managE thE supply chain tEamDEvElop and implEmEnt supply chain stratEgiEsOvErsEE invEntory managEmEntEnsurE compliancE with rEgulationsCollaboratE with intErnal and ExtErnal... 10 days ago
Sponsored Job
Sheldon Recruitment and Selection
East london
Applicants arE rEquirEd to mEEt thE following critEria: MastEr’s DEgrEE (NQF 9) in dEvElopmEnt financE or othEr rElEvant commErcE fiEld.Minimum of 10 yEars working ExpEriEncE in commErcial or dEvElopmEnt financE, Economic dEvElopmEnt, or busin... 20 days ago
Sponsored Job
Abantu Staffing Solutions
East London
Job OvErviEw:
ThE succEssful candidatE will bE rEsponsiblE for stratEgic managEmEnt of Corporation's dEvElopmEnt financE mandatE (DFI), EntrEprEnEurship dEvElopmEnt and businEss support sErvicEs aimEd at fostEring Economic growth and sustainablE dEvElopmEnt in thE Ea... 20 days ago
Sponsored Job
Abantu Staffing Solutions
East London
Minimum REquirEmEnts:
BachElor’s dEgrEE in commErcE and/or Administration, DEvElopmEnt StudiEs, Arts
7 + yEars working ExpEriEncE in corporatE pErformancE rEporting, rEsEarch and analysis, of which (3) thrEE yEars must bE at managEmEnt or supErvisory or cons... 45 days ago
Sponsored Job
Staff Solutions Recruitment
East london
Job REsponsibilitiEs: LEad and managE thE supply chain tEamDEvElop and implEmEnt supply chain stratEgiEsOvErsEE invEntory managEmEntEnsurE compliancE with rEgulationsCollaboratE with intErnal and ExtErnal... 10 days ago
Sheldon Recruitment and Selection
East london
Applicants arE rEquirEd to mEEt thE following critEria: MastEr’s DEgrEE (NQF 9) in dEvElopmEnt financE or othEr rElEvant commErcE fiEld.Minimum of 10 yEars working ExpEriEncE in commErcial or dEvElopmEnt financE, Economic dEvElopmEnt, or busin... 20 days ago
Abantu Staffing Solutions
East London
Job OvErviEw:
ThE succEssful candidatE will bE rEsponsiblE for stratEgic managEmEnt of Corporation's dEvElopmEnt financE mandatE (DFI), EntrEprEnEurship dEvElopmEnt and businEss support sErvicEs aimEd at fostEring Economic growth and sustainablE dEvElopmEnt in thE Ea... 20 days ago
Abantu Staffing Solutions
East London
Minimum REquirEmEnts:
BachElor’s dEgrEE in commErcE and/or Administration, DEvElopmEnt StudiEs, Arts
7 + yEars working ExpEriEncE in corporatE pErformancE rEporting, rEsEarch and analysis, of which (3) thrEE yEars must bE at managEmEnt or supErvisory or cons... 45 days ago
Global Recruitment
East London
FMCG Production ManagEr – East London
(Industry: Sports SupplEmEnts)
RolE OvErviEw:
OvErsEEing thE buying division and invEntory systEm, Ensuring EfficiEnt procurEmEnt procEssEs and EffEctivE stock managEmEnt.
DirEcting daily productio... 51 days ago