Jobs 1 to 10 of 42
Emporium Human Capital
Somerset West
BusinEss DEvElopmEnt ExEcutivE – PropErty SoftwarE Solutions (POS24292)SomErsEt WEstR 35 000 to R 40 000 + commission (nEgotiablE dEpEnding on ExpEriEncE)PurposE: BusinEss DEvElopmEnt for a lEading Pro... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:LEad thE gallEry's day-to-day opErations, Ensuring thE smooth running of Exhibitions, EvEnts, and administrativE functions.DEvElop and ExEcutE thE gallEry’s stratEgic vision, focusing on curating Exhibitions that rEflEct thE gallEry&... 4 days ago
Sponsored Job
Accountancy Placements Pietermaritzburg
Somerset West
REsponsibilitiEs:Portfolio managEmEnt administrationSupporting thE portfolio managErs with gEnEral officE managEmEnt tasks (diary managEmEnt, markEting matErial Etc.)ImplEmEntation of thE cliEnt sErvicEs ExpEriEncE and acting as thE point of contact f... 4 days ago
Sponsored Job
Astor Motor Recruitment
***THIS POSITION REQUIRES FRANCHISED MOTOR DEALERSHIP EXPERIENCE***This dEalErship, rEnownEd for its dEdication to pErsonalizEd sErvicE, is looking for a skillEd and vErsatilE Car SalEs ExEcutivE to join its busy and poisEd tEam. On thEir bEhalf, wE arE sEEking a SalEs E... 9 days ago
Sponsored Job
Emporium Human Capital
Somerset West
BusinEss DEvElopmEnt ExEcutivE – PropErty SoftwarE Solutions (POS24292)SomErsEt WEstR 35 000 to R 40 000 + commission (nEgotiablE dEpEnding on ExpEriEncE)PurposE: BusinEss DEvElopmEnt for a lEading Pro... 2 days ago
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:LEad thE gallEry's day-to-day opErations, Ensuring thE smooth running of Exhibitions, EvEnts, and administrativE functions.DEvElop and ExEcutE thE gallEry’s stratEgic vision, focusing on curating Exhibitions that rEflEct thE gallEry&... 4 days ago
Accountancy Placements Pietermaritzburg
Somerset West
REsponsibilitiEs:Portfolio managEmEnt administrationSupporting thE portfolio managErs with gEnEral officE managEmEnt tasks (diary managEmEnt, markEting matErial Etc.)ImplEmEntation of thE cliEnt sErvicEs ExpEriEncE and acting as thE point of contact f... 4 days ago
Astor Motor Recruitment
***THIS POSITION REQUIRES FRANCHISED MOTOR DEALERSHIP EXPERIENCE***This dEalErship, rEnownEd for its dEdication to pErsonalizEd sErvicE, is looking for a skillEd and vErsatilE Car SalEs ExEcutivE to join its busy and poisEd tEam. On thEir bEhalf, wE arE sEEking a SalEs E... 9 days ago
Astor Motor Recruitment
***THIS POSITION REQUIRES FRANCHISED MOTOR DEALERSHIP EXPERIENCE***This dEalErship, dEdicatEd to sErvicE ExcEllEncE and maintaining a wElcoming atmosphErE, is sEEking a drivEn UsEd Car SalEs ExEcutivE to boost salEs pErformancE. ThE idEal candidatE is an ExpEriEncEd, rEl... 9 days ago
Merand Corbett & Associates
Somerset West
What You’ll DoMarkEting & Promotion: DEvElop and ExEcutE innovativE markEting stratEgiEs to showcasE our vEnuE, attract cliEnts, and drivE bookings.NEtworking: Build and maintain strong rElationships with wEdding ... 11 days ago
Dante Personnel
Somerset West
Minimum rEquirEmEnts: Matric and BachElor’s dEgrEE in MarkEting, Communications, or a rElatEd fiEldAny additional Shipping coursEs is prEfErrEd5 YEars of ExpEriEncE in a markEting or communications rolE, prEfErably within a corp... 15 days ago
Status Staffing
A rEcEnt profEssional profilE photo is to accompany your applicationEMPLOYMENT TYPE : PErmanEntSECTOR : FinancEBASIC SALARY : MarkEt REl... 23 days ago
Status Staffing
A rEcEnt profEssional profilE photo is to accompany your applicationEMPLOYMENT TYPE : PErmanEntSECTOR : FinancEBASIC SALARY : MarkEt RElatEd... 23 days ago
Emporium Human Capital
Somerset West
BusinEss DEvElopmEnt ExEcutivE – PropErty SoftwarE Solutions (POS 24267)SomErsEt WEst – HEldErbErg ArEqR 25 000 to R 35 000 + commission (nEgotiablE dEpEnding on ExpEriEncE)PurposE: BusinEss... 25 days ago