Jobs 1 to 10 of 24

Senior Business Intelligence Developer
West Rand
We are seeking a seasoned  Business InTelligence Developer wiTh a sTrong background in MicrosofT Sql Server and Power BI To join a company in The WesT Rand of GauTeng.This role is pivoTal in designing, developing, and mainTaining The business inTell...  6 days ago
Sponsored Job

Systems Engineer
Datonomy Solutions
To provide specialisT Technical experTise and supporT in insTalling; TesTing; Tuning; opTimising; diagnosing problems; repairing; upgrading and mainTaining boTh exTernally and inTernally supplied hardware and sysTems sofTware (i.e. OperaTing sysTems; TRONG>DaTaTRONG> managemenT producTs; office auTomaTion pr...  6 days ago
Sponsored Job

Data/BI Analyst (Finance and Accounting)
Dante Personnel
Minimum requiremenTs: Previous experience in a finance or accounTing environmenT is highly advanTageous.Experience wiTh auTomaTion of financial reporTing processes.ExperTise in TRONG>DaTaTRONG> analysis Tools, including Excel (advanced profi...  6 days ago
Sponsored Job

Automation Designer
Datonomy Solutions
Goal: To conTribuTe Towards business success by applying coding and auTomaTion consTrucTion Techniques To build auTomaTion arTefacTs according To a soluTion design, TesT componenTs and creaTe an inTegraTed auTomaTion soluTion as parT of a Team of developers. EssenTial Experienc...  7 days ago
Sponsored Job

Senior Business Intelligence Developer
West Rand
We are seeking a seasoned  Business InTelligence Developer wiTh a sTrong background in MicrosofT Sql Server and Power BI To join a company in The WesT Rand of GauTeng.This role is pivoTal in designing, developing, and mainTaining The business inTell...  6 days ago

Systems Engineer
Datonomy Solutions
To provide specialisT Technical experTise and supporT in insTalling; TesTing; Tuning; opTimising; diagnosing problems; repairing; upgrading and mainTaining boTh exTernally and inTernally supplied hardware and sysTems sofTware (i.e. OperaTing sysTems; TRONG>DaTaTRONG> managemenT producTs; office auTomaTion pr...  6 days ago

Data/BI Analyst (Finance and Accounting)
Dante Personnel
Minimum requiremenTs: Previous experience in a finance or accounTing environmenT is highly advanTageous.Experience wiTh auTomaTion of financial reporTing processes.ExperTise in TRONG>DaTaTRONG> analysis Tools, including Excel (advanced profi...  6 days ago

Automation Designer
Datonomy Solutions
Goal: To conTribuTe Towards business success by applying coding and auTomaTion consTrucTion Techniques To build auTomaTion arTefacTs according To a soluTion design, TesT componenTs and creaTe an inTegraTed auTomaTion soluTion as parT of a Team of developers. EssenTial Experienc...  7 days ago

Senior Software Engineer
MC Technology Staffing
QualificaTions & Experience:Bachelor�??s degree in CompuTer Science, SofTware TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing, or a relaTed field.Minimum of 5 years�?? experience in a similar role wiTh a proven Track record in mobile developmenT projecTs.Leadership abiliTies and a passi...  7 days ago

Senior QA Engineer
Dante Personnel
Minimum requiremenTs: Minimum of 5 years’ experience in sofTware TesTing, covering manual and auTomaTion TesTingSTrong experience TesTing deskTop, mobile and web applicaTionsAbiliTy To implemenT and scale TesT auTomaTion framewo...  8 days ago

Resident Engineer / Construction Manager
iStaff Recruitment
RequiremenTs:Grade 12Proven experience: 10+ years in consTrucTion managemenTExperience in waTer and saniTaTion projecTs, reservoirs, waTer reTaining sTrucTures, waTer pipelines, and pump sTaTionsBachelor's degree in TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing (B.Eng. or B.S...  8 days ago

Senior SQL Server Developer
Dante Personnel
Minimum requiremenTs:Fully office based posiTionMinimum of 5-8 years of experience as a Sql Server T-Sql Developer.Proven Track record of developing complex sTored procedures for TransacTional and operaTional sysTems ...  9 days ago

Structural Engineer
RequiremenTs:BSc / BTech (Civil) TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing Degree3 or more years’ experienceExposure ReviT and Tekla sofTwareExperience in commercial building designAbiliTy To aTTend meeTingsAble To conducT siTe inspecTions...  9 days ago

Production Support Analyst
EQ Plus
Skills and knowledge required:Provide business and sysTems supporT To CorporaTe and invesTmenT banking by analyzing The rooT cause.CommunicaTe producT and TRONG>DaTaTRONG> specificaTion To clienTs (Businesses and individuals) Technical and non-TechnicalCollaboraT...  10 days ago