Jobs 1 to 4 of 4

Hotel Operations Manager
Bright Search Recruitment (Pty) Ltd
REquirEmEnts:Minimum of 3 yEars’ ExpEriEncE as a Duty ManagEr, as wEll as a minimum of 3 yEars ExpEriEncE in an OpErations ManagEmEnt position in a 4/5 Star HotElShould bE ExpEriEncEd within all diffErEnt arEas of a HotElPolitE, friEndly pErson ...  10 days ago
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Retail Operations Manager
Cash Crusaders Retail (Pty) Ltd
Your rolE is to ovErsEE thE company’s day-to-day opErations in a dEsignatEd arEa or rEgion.ThE daily rEsponsibilitiEs of thEsE profEssionals arE ovErsEEing budgEting, quality, P&L statEmEnts, hiring and training.ThEy also pErform dutiEs that includE sEtting financial goals, Establishi...  12 days ago
Sponsored Job

Operations Manager
Bright Search Recruitment (Pty) Ltd
CandidatE will bE rEquirEd to:Will bE rEsponsiblE for thE managEmEnt of thE opErational arEa in such a mannEr that customEr satisfaction is achiEvEd.EffEctivE lEadErship, managE and ovErsEE all dEpartmEnts within thE hotElPlan and managE thE day to da...  20 days ago
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Procurement Officer
Armstrong Appointments
Global mining group sEEks a procurEmEnt officEr to join thEir dynamic tEam.   MEdically fit to work on an undErground minE.   Main job function Sourcing, nEgotiation, contract managEmEnt and suppliEr rElationship managEm...  56 days ago
Sponsored Job

Hotel Operations Manager
Bright Search Recruitment (Pty) Ltd
REquirEmEnts:Minimum of 3 yEars’ ExpEriEncE as a Duty ManagEr, as wEll as a minimum of 3 yEars ExpEriEncE in an OpErations ManagEmEnt position in a 4/5 Star HotElShould bE ExpEriEncEd within all diffErEnt arEas of a HotElPolitE, friEndly pErson ...  10 days ago

Retail Operations Manager
Cash Crusaders Retail (Pty) Ltd
Your rolE is to ovErsEE thE company’s day-to-day opErations in a dEsignatEd arEa or rEgion.ThE daily rEsponsibilitiEs of thEsE profEssionals arE ovErsEEing budgEting, quality, P&L statEmEnts, hiring and training.ThEy also pErform dutiEs that includE sEtting financial goals, Establishi...  12 days ago

Operations Manager
Bright Search Recruitment (Pty) Ltd
CandidatE will bE rEquirEd to:Will bE rEsponsiblE for thE managEmEnt of thE opErational arEa in such a mannEr that customEr satisfaction is achiEvEd.EffEctivE lEadErship, managE and ovErsEE all dEpartmEnts within thE hotElPlan and managE thE day to da...  20 days ago

Procurement Officer
Armstrong Appointments
Global mining group sEEks a procurEmEnt officEr to join thEir dynamic tEam.   MEdically fit to work on an undErground minE.   Main job function Sourcing, nEgotiation, contract managEmEnt and suppliEr rElationship managEm...  56 days ago