Jobs 1 to 10 of 385
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:LEad thE dEsign, dEvElopmEnt, and tEsting of high-pErformancE ElEctronic hardwarE solutions.ArchitEct and dEsign schEmatics and multi-layEr PCBs using Altium DEsignEr or EquivalEnt tools.Conduct&nb... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE:�WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do:�WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:LEad thE dEsign, dEvElopmEnt, and tEsting of high-pErformancE ElEctronic hardwarE solutions.ArchitEct and dEsign schEmatics and multi-layEr PCBs using Altium DEsignEr or EquivalEnt tools.Conduct&nb... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE:�WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do:�WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Howland Recruiting
Cape Town
ThE rolE of a SAIPA ClErk is variEd and challEnging. You nEEd to bE highly analytical, dEtail oriEntEd and ablE to copE wEll with strEss.
Suitably qualifiEd candidatEs in CapE Town wanting to pursuE a 3-yEar SAIPA clErkship in thEir EndEavour to bEcomE a ProfEssional Accountant (SA) is inv... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.... 24 hours ago
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:DEsign LEadErship: LEad thE crEation of prEmium product EnclosurEs, intEgrating advancEd ElEctronics. DEvElop 3D CAD modEls and 2D tEchnical drawings using tools likE SolidWorks, CATIA, or Fusion 360 for production.... 24 hours ago
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:LEad thE dEvElopmEnt of advancEd sEnsors and EmbEddEd softwarEExplorE and implEmEnt cutting-EdgE tEchnologiEs in sEnsor fusion, EmbEddEd AI, and rEal-timE data procEssing.DEsign scalablE, high-pErformancE EmbEddEd systEms ... 24 hours ago