Jobs 1 to 10 of 127

Project Manager (with experience in Data projects)
Data Centrix
ExpEriEncE / Qualifications / KnowlEdgE:ThE idEal candidatE should havE at lEast 10 yEars’ ExpEriEncE, track rEcord, and bE ablE to dEmonstratE ProjEct ManagEmEnt capabilitiEs, knowlEdgE and know-how in Financial SErvicEs, this rEquirEmEnt must bE considErEd part...  2 days ago
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Performance Tester
Nambiti Technologies
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:UndErstand and analysE non-functional rEquirEmEnts.Work with TEchnical ArchitEcturE, InfrastructurE and Tools tEams to EvaluatE, sElEct, sEtup & managE appropriatE tool suitE.ProducE thE PErformancE TEst Plan.DEfinE a...  4 days ago
Sponsored Job

Cloud Architect
Columbus Consulting
REquirEmEnts GathEring and Analysis: idEntification, solicitation and gathEring of cliEnt businEss nEEds and rEquirEmEnts to inform thE dEsign and scalE of a cloud solution/sArchitEcturE DEsign: dEvElopmEnt of a dEtailEd cloud architEcturE Plan, outlining componEnts and sErvicEs rEq...  5 days ago
Sponsored Job

Change Manager
Columbus Consulting
PrEparation and Planning for ChangE: undErstanding thE scopE, impact and stakEholdEr who will bE affEctEd by thE changECommunication and EngagEmEnt: EffEctivE communication of thE changE and EngagEmEnt with stakEholdErs affEctEd by thE changE to build support and commitmEnt thErEfor...  5 days ago
Sponsored Job

Project Manager (with experience in Data projects)
Data Centrix
ExpEriEncE / Qualifications / KnowlEdgE:ThE idEal candidatE should havE at lEast 10 yEars’ ExpEriEncE, track rEcord, and bE ablE to dEmonstratE ProjEct ManagEmEnt capabilitiEs, knowlEdgE and know-how in Financial SErvicEs, this rEquirEmEnt must bE considErEd part...  2 days ago

Performance Tester
Nambiti Technologies
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:UndErstand and analysE non-functional rEquirEmEnts.Work with TEchnical ArchitEcturE, InfrastructurE and Tools tEams to EvaluatE, sElEct, sEtup & managE appropriatE tool suitE.ProducE thE PErformancE TEst Plan.DEfinE a...  4 days ago

Cloud Architect
Columbus Consulting
REquirEmEnts GathEring and Analysis: idEntification, solicitation and gathEring of cliEnt businEss nEEds and rEquirEmEnts to inform thE dEsign and scalE of a cloud solution/sArchitEcturE DEsign: dEvElopmEnt of a dEtailEd cloud architEcturE Plan, outlining componEnts and sErvicEs rEq...  5 days ago

Change Manager
Columbus Consulting
PrEparation and Planning for ChangE: undErstanding thE scopE, impact and stakEholdEr who will bE affEctEd by thE changECommunication and EngagEmEnt: EffEctivE communication of thE changE and EngagEmEnt with stakEholdErs affEctEd by thE changE to build support and commitmEnt thErEfor...  5 days ago

Pronto Labour Team
MECHANICAL & MAINTANCE FOREMAN*MUST HAVE:  ** Matric  ** MEchanical TradE TEst  ** B-TEch or Diploma - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING* Minimum 5 YEar's MAINTENANCE SUPERVISORY ExpEriEncE   in a HEAVY EN...  6 days ago

Risk and Compliance Officer
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:FormulatE and improvE thE basic systEm and managEmEnt principlEs of thE company's comprEhEnsivE risk managEmEnt systEm, Establish thE company's crEdit risk managEmEnt and control systEm, markEt risk, opErational risk and intErnal control managEmEnt systEm, and f...  9 days ago

Crop Farm Manager (Expat)
HR Genie
Our cliEnt is looking for a sElf-drivEn and ExpEriEncEd Crop Farm ManagEr to ovErsEE daily opErations and drivE agricultural ExcEllEncE in Zambia.REsponsibilitiEs OvErsEE and managE all aspEcts of crop production, including sEEd maizE, sEEd bEan, whEat, and soya.Sup...  9 days ago

IT Audit Specialist
Salix Recruitment
Our cliEnt in thE financial sErvicEs sEctor is sEEking an IT Auditor to join thEir tEam.In this position, you will partnEr with thE DirEctor of IntErnal Audit to providE objEctivE, valuE-drivEn assurancE on thE EffEctivEnEss of thE intErnal control framEwork, with a focus on IT-rElatEd r...  10 days ago

Head of Internal Audit
Network Recruitment
WE’rE looking for a dynamic HEad of IntErnal Audit to guidE our cliEnt's IA function with vision, intEgrity, and a bit of flair. You’ll bE a kEy advisor to thE Audit CommittEE and Board, ovErsEEing audits that not only idEntify risk but also drivE positivE changE....  10 days ago

Financial Reporting Accountant
Network Recruitment
This financial sErvicEs providEr focusEs on innovativE solutions for EstatE Planning, offEring products dEsignEd to EasE thE complExitiEs of managing thE costs associatEd with EstatE administration. It is dEdicatEd to hElping individuals Plan for thE futurE with tailorEd offErings that prioritizE af...  10 days ago