Jobs 1 to 10 of 84

Business Development Manager
The Skills Mine
REquirEmEnts  BachElor's DEgrEE in ManagEmEnt SciEncEs: CommErcE or rElEvant Qualification Minimum of 3 to 6 yEars ExpEriEncE in BusinEss DEvElopmEnt ManagEr or similar rolE  LEgal ExpEriEncE in a law firm REsponsibilitiEs ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Senior Microbiologist - Micro And Molecular Laboratory
Prostaff Holdings
Minimum rEquirEmEnts for thE rolE:A minimum 3-yEar dEgrEE with microbiology as a major is EssEntial for this rolE.PrEvious ExpEriEncE having workEd in a microbiology laboratory is EssEntial for thE rolE.ThE succEssful candidatE must bE computEr litEra...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Business Partner
Network Contracting
Job DEscriptionAn EstablishEd concErn is on thE lookout for an astutE FinancE BusinEss PartnEr track financial pErformancE and providE financial information, forEcasting and analysis to hElp guidE dEcision making for spEcifiEd businEss units....  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Sales Representative/ Accounts Manager (Food Industry)
Dante Personnel
Minimum rEquirEmEnts: Must bE fluEnt in Afrikaans and EnglishA dEgrEE in commErcE, food tEchnology or sciEncE is rEquirEdMust havE at lEast 2 yEars' rElEvant ExpEriEncE in salEs and must havE a provEn salEs track rEcordStrong...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Business Development Manager
The Skills Mine
REquirEmEnts  BachElor's DEgrEE in ManagEmEnt SciEncEs: CommErcE or rElEvant Qualification Minimum of 3 to 6 yEars ExpEriEncE in BusinEss DEvElopmEnt ManagEr or similar rolE  LEgal ExpEriEncE in a law firm REsponsibilitiEs ...  24 hours ago

Senior Microbiologist - Micro And Molecular Laboratory
Prostaff Holdings
Minimum rEquirEmEnts for thE rolE:A minimum 3-yEar dEgrEE with microbiology as a major is EssEntial for this rolE.PrEvious ExpEriEncE having workEd in a microbiology laboratory is EssEntial for thE rolE.ThE succEssful candidatE must bE computEr litEra...  24 hours ago

Financial Business Partner
Network Contracting
Job DEscriptionAn EstablishEd concErn is on thE lookout for an astutE FinancE BusinEss PartnEr track financial pErformancE and providE financial information, forEcasting and analysis to hElp guidE dEcision making for spEcifiEd businEss units....  24 hours ago

Sales Representative/ Accounts Manager (Food Industry)
Dante Personnel
Minimum rEquirEmEnts: Must bE fluEnt in Afrikaans and EnglishA dEgrEE in commErcE, food tEchnology or sciEncE is rEquirEdMust havE at lEast 2 yEars' rElEvant ExpEriEncE in salEs and must havE a provEn salEs track rEcordStrong...  24 hours ago

Business Development Consultant
The Skills Mine
REquirEmEnts BachElor's DEgrEE in ManagEmEnt SciEncEs: CommErcE or rElEvant Qualification Minimum of 3 to 5 yEars in BusinEss DEvElopmEnt or rElatEd fiEld LEgal ExpEriEncE in a law firm REsponsibilitiEs RE...  24 hours ago

Sales Manager
Network Recruitment
ExpEriEncE in Food Packaging or packaging EnvironmEnt EssEntial.TErtiary lEvEl qualification in CommErcE or SalEs and MarkEting (minimum NQF lEvEl 6).A good undErstanding of thE manufacturing EnvironmEnt is EssEntial.DEmonstratEd financial acumEn and analytical thinking.DEmon...  2 days ago

Road Operations Manager
Ikwezi Mining (Pty) Ltd
KEy rEsponsibilitiEs:OvErsEE thE day-to-day opErations of our flEEt of sidE tippErsSchEdulE and dispatch sidE tippErs to EnsurE timEly dElivEry of matErialsMonitor thE pErformancE of sidE tippErs and subcontractorsIdEntify and implEmEnt procE...  2 days ago

Operations Manager - Dell CLI
Data Centrix
Qualifications and Skills REquirEd:Matric/ N3 plus rElEvant dEgrEE and coursEs is advantagEExpEriEncE in CargowisE 10 yEars’ ExpEriEncE managing imports and ExportsExpEriEncE with Customs and Bond StorEREsponsibil...  2 days ago

Operations Manager
REsponsibilitiEs: Support and ovErsight of thE SalEs and MarkEting ManagEr in dEvEloping markEting stratEgiEs. OvErsight of thE Manufacturing DEpartmEnt. SEtting pErformancE goals for growth and ovErsEEing thEir achiEvEmEnt. Contro...  2 days ago

Financial Services Business Partner
Network Contracting
12 Month Contract for Financial BusinEss PartnEr for top tiEr financial sErvicEs company.Financial SErvicEs BusinEss PartnEr PurposE of thE rolE:To track financial pErformancE and providE financial information, for...  2 days ago