Jobs 1 to 10 of 29

Senior Workshop Manager (Diesel Trade Test)
Top Vitae
Port Elizabeth
Minimum REquirEmEnts: MalE, bEtwEEn thE agEs of 35 and 55 Physically fit and hEalthy TradE tEstEd diEsEl mEchanic or EquivalEnt qualification Minimum of 3 yEars’ ExpEriEncE as a workshop forEman, and 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE as a diEsEl mEchani...  9 days ago
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Project Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:Establish kEy customEr contracts.Co-ordinatE thE timing Plan and rEgularly monitor thE pErformancE of projEcts to EnsurE targEts arE bEing achiEvEd.To EnsurE urgEnt rEquEsts for assistancE from thE customErs arE EffEctivEly dEalt with....  10 days ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:Plan, organizE, and ExEcutE financial tasks and projEcts of thE company.ImplEmEnt, managE and updatE robust financial systEms and procEssEs as may bE rEquirEdOvErsEE cash flow managEmEnt, including making EstimatEs of funds rEquirEd for thE sho...  10 days ago
Sponsored Job

Design Engineer
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:SElf-innovation to crEatE concEpts that will bE transfErrEd into softwarE modEls and drawings of productsEnginEEring calculations for sizing of products and partsOrganizE and maintain Existing EnginEEring rEcords and ISO standardsPErform ...  10 days ago
Sponsored Job

Senior Workshop Manager (Diesel Trade Test)
Top Vitae
Port Elizabeth
Minimum REquirEmEnts: MalE, bEtwEEn thE agEs of 35 and 55 Physically fit and hEalthy TradE tEstEd diEsEl mEchanic or EquivalEnt qualification Minimum of 3 yEars’ ExpEriEncE as a workshop forEman, and 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE as a diEsEl mEchani...  9 days ago

Project Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:Establish kEy customEr contracts.Co-ordinatE thE timing Plan and rEgularly monitor thE pErformancE of projEcts to EnsurE targEts arE bEing achiEvEd.To EnsurE urgEnt rEquEsts for assistancE from thE customErs arE EffEctivEly dEalt with....  10 days ago

Financial Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:Plan, organizE, and ExEcutE financial tasks and projEcts of thE company.ImplEmEnt, managE and updatE robust financial systEms and procEssEs as may bE rEquirEdOvErsEE cash flow managEmEnt, including making EstimatEs of funds rEquirEd for thE sho...  10 days ago

Design Engineer
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:SElf-innovation to crEatE concEpts that will bE transfErrEd into softwarE modEls and drawings of productsEnginEEring calculations for sizing of products and partsOrganizE and maintain Existing EnginEEring rEcords and ISO standardsPErform ...  10 days ago

Assistant Internal Auditor
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Job DEscription: Conduct intErnal audits from Planning to finalization, within thE rEquirEd timEframEIdEntify and rEport on wEaknEssEs in thE company’s intErnal control EnvironmEntMakE rEcommEndations for thE improvEmEnt of any contro...  10 days ago

Food and Beverage Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
PossiblE dutiEs:OvErsEE all food and bEvEragE opErations within thE hotEl, including thE rEstaurant, bar, room sErvicE, and EvEnt catEring.LEad, train, and motivatE a tEam of F&B profEssionals to dElivEr outstanding sErvicE.CollaboratE with thE Ex...  10 days ago

Store Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Why You’ll LovE This RolE:As StorE ManagEr, you will bE rEsponsiblE for ovErsEEing EvEry aspEct of storE opErations, from managing financEs and stock lEvEls to lEading a tEam and dElivEring outstanding customEr sErvicE. You’ll havE thE opportunity to makE a d...  10 days ago

Sales Support Manager (Automotive)
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Job REsponsibilitiEs: To achiEvE monthly and yEarly customEr targEts in ordEr to mEEt rEquirEd profitability margins and to EnsurE on going sustainability for thE company. To maintain currEnt customEr basE and to idEntify nEw businEss opportuni...  10 days ago

Restaurant Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
PossiblE dutiEs:OvErsEE daily opErations of thE hotEl’s rEstaurant, Ensuring smooth sErvicE and guEst satisfaction.LEad, mEntor, and managE a tEam of sErvErs, chEfs, and support staff.DEvElop and maintain high-quality sErvicE standards, training...  10 days ago

Maintenance Fitter
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Qualifications and REquirEmEnts: Matric / GradE 12 (minimum)QualifiEd Artisan (N5),TradE TEstDiploma MEchanical/ ElEctricalMinimum 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a hEavy industrial EnvironmEnt.Must havE a...  10 days ago