Jobs 1 to 10 of 277

C# Developer (The C# Lightning)
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:REv up your EnginEs! If you'rE rEady to push thE limits of your ExpErtisE and takE thEm to nEw hEights, stEp on thE gas and join thEir winning tEam!Skills & ExpEriEncE: 5+ yEars of ExpEriEncE in softwar...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Finance Assistant
Cash Crusaders Retail (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town
WE arE looking for a Junior, ExtrovErtEd clErk whom is confidEnt and EagEr toclimb thE laddEr to succEss, starting at thE bottom. DutiEs mainly includE but arE not limitEd to:1. Copying data from ExtErnal documEnts onto sprEadshEEts2. Analysing data to idEntify trEn...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Junior Receptionist/Office Administrator - Tableview
West Coast Personnel
ONLY APPLY IF YOU LIVE IN THE AREA A lEading national organisation with nEw rEgional officEs in BlaauwbErg, CapE Town, is sEEking an ExcEptional individual to join thEir tEam in an officE rEcEption/administration capacity with thE following skills and qualitiEs ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

External Sales Executive
Cape Town
ExtErnal SalEs ExEcutivE:     DutiEs and REsponsibilitiEs includE but arE not limitEd to:   Visiting cliEnts and potEntial cliEnts to EvaluatE nEEds or promotE products and sErvicEs. Giving salEs prEsEntations to a rangE of prospEctivE cliEnts....  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

C# Developer (The C# Lightning)
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:REv up your EnginEs! If you'rE rEady to push thE limits of your ExpErtisE and takE thEm to nEw hEights, stEp on thE gas and join thEir winning tEam!Skills & ExpEriEncE: 5+ yEars of ExpEriEncE in softwar...  24 hours ago

Finance Assistant
Cash Crusaders Retail (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town
WE arE looking for a Junior, ExtrovErtEd clErk whom is confidEnt and EagEr toclimb thE laddEr to succEss, starting at thE bottom. DutiEs mainly includE but arE not limitEd to:1. Copying data from ExtErnal documEnts onto sprEadshEEts2. Analysing data to idEntify trEn...  24 hours ago

Junior Receptionist/Office Administrator - Tableview
West Coast Personnel
ONLY APPLY IF YOU LIVE IN THE AREA A lEading national organisation with nEw rEgional officEs in BlaauwbErg, CapE Town, is sEEking an ExcEptional individual to join thEir tEam in an officE rEcEption/administration capacity with thE following skills and qualitiEs ...  24 hours ago

External Sales Executive
Cape Town
ExtErnal SalEs ExEcutivE:     DutiEs and REsponsibilitiEs includE but arE not limitEd to:   Visiting cliEnts and potEntial cliEnts to EvaluatE nEEds or promotE products and sErvicEs. Giving salEs prEsEntations to a rangE of prospEctivE cliEnts....  24 hours ago

Sales Representative Ref: 3705
NDC Personnel
This is an ExcEptional opportunity for a skillEd profEssional with a passion for markEting and salEs to EngagE with lEading playErs in thE oil and gas sEctor. As a SalEs REprEsEntativE, you’ll bE at thE forEfront of building and ExEcuting stratEgic markEting plans, idEntifying potEntial cliEnt...  24 hours ago

Sales and Marketing Coordinator
Megan Forg Consulting
Cape Town
SalEs and MarkEting Coordinator Location: SomErsEt WEst, CapE Town Salary: R480k – R600k pEr annum About thE RolE: WE arE looking for a motivatEd Sal...  24 hours ago

Senior Electronic Hardware Engineer
ThE SEnior ElEctronic HardwarE EnginEEr will lEad thE dEsign, dEvElopmEnt, and tEsting of LinE REplacEablE Units (LRUs) for a prominEnt DEfEncE/AErospacE organization. This tEchnical rolE rEquirEs ExpErtisE in ElEctronic circuit simulation, dEsign, and an ability to managE thE compl...  2 days ago

Product Owner
Communicate Recruitment
As a SEnior Product OwnEr, you’ll lEad thE chargE in shaping thE product vision and dElivEring cutting-EdgE solutions that mEEt Evolving customEr nEEds. Your rEsponsibilitiEs will includE: DEfining and ExEcuting thE product roadmap in alignmEnt with thE company’s s...  2 days ago

B2B Lead Gen and Data Specialist
The Legends Agency
Job AdvErtisEmEnt: Data-DrivEn B2B LEad GEnEration & Email SpEcialist ArE you passionatE about data and skillEd in crafting high-pErforming B2B outrEach stratEgiEs? WE arE sEEking a proactivE and tEchnically adEpt Data and Email SpEcialist to join o...  2 days ago

Service /Workshop Manager
First Degree Recruitment
Cape Town
WE arE looking for a skillEd and motivatEd SErvicE ManagEr to ovErsEE and lEad a wEll-EstablishEd motor company in CapE Town. REsponsibilitiEs: ManagE all aspEcts of thE SErvicE and Parts DEpartmEnt. OvErsEE salEs, staff, and financEs...  2 days ago