Jobs 1 to 10 of 86

Claims and Warranty Clerk Cape Town
AUTOMOTIVE/TRUCK INDUSTRY REquirEmEnts: Matric Minimum 2-3 yEars ExpEriEncE in similar rolE Support thE Workshop ManagEr in a constructivE mannEr PErsonally managE work EfficiEntly Bu...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Warranty Clerk
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:Support thE Workshop ManagEr in a constructivE mannEr PErsonally managE work EfficiEntly Build sound rElationships with othEr dEpartmEnts  To kEEp in linE with thE sErvicE dEpartmEnt procEdurEs To invoicE a...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Admin Manager
West Coast Personnel
Job DEscription:WE arE sEEking an ExpEriEncEd Admin/InvEntory ManagEr with a provEn track rEcord to ovErsEE our admin rEcEiving officEs across both our storEs. Location: RondEbosch, CapE Town Hours: 45-hour...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Head of Remuneration and Analytics
Rory Mackie & Associates
Cape Town
OvErviEw: Our cliEnt, a prominEnt South African rEtailEr offEring a comprEhEnsivE rangE of financial sErvicEs including crEdit, insurancE, and pErsonal loans, is looking for a dynamic individual to join thEir tEam as thE HEad of REmunEration and Analytics. ThEy focus on p...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Claims and Warranty Clerk Cape Town
AUTOMOTIVE/TRUCK INDUSTRY REquirEmEnts: Matric Minimum 2-3 yEars ExpEriEncE in similar rolE Support thE Workshop ManagEr in a constructivE mannEr PErsonally managE work EfficiEntly Bu...  24 hours ago

Warranty Clerk
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:Support thE Workshop ManagEr in a constructivE mannEr PErsonally managE work EfficiEntly Build sound rElationships with othEr dEpartmEnts  To kEEp in linE with thE sErvicE dEpartmEnt procEdurEs To invoicE a...  24 hours ago

Admin Manager
West Coast Personnel
Job DEscription:WE arE sEEking an ExpEriEncEd Admin/InvEntory ManagEr with a provEn track rEcord to ovErsEE our admin rEcEiving officEs across both our storEs. Location: RondEbosch, CapE Town Hours: 45-hour...  24 hours ago

Head of Remuneration and Analytics
Rory Mackie & Associates
Cape Town
OvErviEw: Our cliEnt, a prominEnt South African rEtailEr offEring a comprEhEnsivE rangE of financial sErvicEs including crEdit, insurancE, and pErsonal loans, is looking for a dynamic individual to join thEir tEam as thE HEad of REmunEration and Analytics. ThEy focus on p...  2 days ago

Head of Communications
Job PurposE:As thE HEad of thE Communications, you will bE rEsponsiblE for how wE communicatE with our customErs and thE mEdia. It’s all about dElivEring thE right mEssagE to thE right customEr at thE right timE and on thE right platform. Your rolE will focus on d...  2 days ago

Head of Social Media Strategy
Job PurposE:rain is looking for a dynamic and ExpEriEncEd social mEdia ExpErt to lEad thE chargE in bringing our brand, products and customEr ExpEriEncEs to lifE across all social digital platforms. If you havE a provEn track rEcord of driving businEss rEsults through c...  2 days ago

Social Media Specialist
Merand Corbett & Associates
DutiEs and REsponsibilitiEs (IncludEs but is not limitEd to):- InitiatE and ExEcutE on crEativE contEnt stratEgiEs that align with thE company’s brand...  2 days ago

Property Coordinator, Cape Town
Sheldon Recruitment and Selection
Applicants arE rEquirEd to mEEt thE following critEria: GradE 12 with clEar crEdit and criminal rEcord5+ yEars’ ExpEriEncE in thE rolE of a propErty coordinator handling rEntal collEctions, tEnant vEtting, building inspEcting and lEasE agrEEmE...  2 days ago

Property Co-ordinator
The Legends Agency
PropErty ManagEmEnt Group sEEks an ExpEriEncEd PropErty Co-Ordinator for our buildings in WEstErn CapE. Applicants must havE no criminal rEcord or bEEn blacklistEd by a crEdit burEau. Applicant must havE a valid and unEndorsEd drivEr''s licEnsE. IncumbEnt must havE at l...  2 days ago

Head Chef
HR Genie
Cape Town
Our EclEctic, all-day vEnuE on trEndy Kloof StrEEt in CapE Town is quickly gaining popularity in thE WEstErn CapE. WE pridE oursElvEs on offEring divErsE dining ExpEriEncEs that blEnd quality ingrEdiEnts with friEndly hospitality. Our commitmEnt to outstanding sErvicE EnsurEs that EvEry visit is ...  3 days ago