Jobs 1 to 2 of 2
MedE Recruit
Cape Town
Are you a paSSionate <STRONG>PSychologiStSTRONG> Seeking a fulfilling role at a thriving, well-eStabliShed PSychology Practice in the heart of Claremont, Cape Town? ThiS dynamic team iS looking for a dedicated HPCSA-regiStered Clinical or CounSelling <STRONG>PSychologiStSTRONG> to join them.... 28 days ago
Sponsored Job
MedE Recruit
A very buSy&nbSp;PSychology Practice&nbSp;in beautiful&nbSp;Claremont, Cape Town,&nbSp;haS extended itS room Space which iS now available. They are actively Seeking&nbSp;HPCSA RegiStered <STRONG>PSychologiStSTRONG>S (Clinical or CounSelling)&nbSp;to join their dynamic ther... 56 days ago
Sponsored Job
MedE Recruit
Cape Town
Are you a paSSionate <STRONG>PSychologiStSTRONG> Seeking a fulfilling role at a thriving, well-eStabliShed PSychology Practice in the heart of Claremont, Cape Town? ThiS dynamic team iS looking for a dedicated HPCSA-regiStered Clinical or CounSelling <STRONG>PSychologiStSTRONG> to join them.... 28 days ago
MedE Recruit
A very buSy&nbSp;PSychology Practice&nbSp;in beautiful&nbSp;Claremont, Cape Town,&nbSp;haS extended itS room Space which iS now available. They are actively Seeking&nbSp;HPCSA RegiStered <STRONG>PSychologiStSTRONG>S (Clinical or CounSelling)&nbSp;to join their dynamic ther... 56 days ago