Jobs 1 to 8 of 8
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Built EnvironmEnt, Law, Supply Chain and Logistics.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a procuring infrastructurE rElatEd projEct, with at lEast 3 mEga projEcts contracts (construction) procurEd) and managEd until contract closEout.Minimum of... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Logistics, Purchasing or rElatEd.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in thE managEmEnt of SCM particularly thE acquisition procEss for thE procurEmEnt of gEnEral corporatE goods and sErvicEs.Minimum of 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in pEoplE managEm... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
Flink Recruitment
DutiEs & REsponsibilitiEsKEy REsponsibilitiEs:CustomEr EngagEmEnt:Â Assist walk-in customErs by providing information, procEssing ordErs, and rEsolving inquiriEs.TradE Show Coord... 25 days ago
Sponsored Job
WE arE looking for a full-timE REtail OpErations Assistant to join our tEam. You’ll work on-sitE alongsidE a growing tEam of tEch Enthusiasts, kEy rElationship managErs, and various opErational tEams within our organization. This Individual will bE rEsponsiblE for managing ordErs and dElivE... 47 days ago
Sponsored Job
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Built EnvironmEnt, Law, Supply Chain and Logistics.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a procuring infrastructurE rElatEd projEct, with at lEast 3 mEga projEcts contracts (construction) procurEd) and managEd until contract closEout.Minimum of... 3 days ago
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Logistics, Purchasing or rElatEd.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in thE managEmEnt of SCM particularly thE acquisition procEss for thE procurEmEnt of gEnEral corporatE goods and sErvicEs.Minimum of 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in pEoplE managEm... 3 days ago
Flink Recruitment
DutiEs & REsponsibilitiEsKEy REsponsibilitiEs:CustomEr EngagEmEnt:Â Assist walk-in customErs by providing information, procEssing ordErs, and rEsolving inquiriEs.TradE Show Coord... 25 days ago
WE arE looking for a full-timE REtail OpErations Assistant to join our tEam. You’ll work on-sitE alongsidE a growing tEam of tEch Enthusiasts, kEy rElationship managErs, and various opErational tEams within our organization. This Individual will bE rEsponsiblE for managing ordErs and dElivE... 47 days ago
PMG Recruitment
Sandton, Gauteng
About thE RolE
WE arE looking for a dynamic and drivEn MarkEting ManagEr with a strong grasp of SME markEting, channEl markEting ExpErtisE, and provEn campaign managEmEnt skills. This rolE will collaboratE closEly with thE HEad of MarkEting, thE broadEr markEting tEam, a... 57 days ago
PMG Recruitment
sandton, Gauteng
About thE rolE
WE''rE looking for a dynamic and highly drivEn individual to support our HEad of SalEs FulfillmEnt and Outbound in dElivEring succEss. This individual’s rEsponsibilitiEs includE:
ManagE SalEs FulfilmEnt for all inbound and partnErship ... 65 days ago
Dante Personnel
Minimum rEquirEmEnts: Tax Administration and CompliancE Assistant in Tax DEpartmEntKEy REsponsibilitiEs: Assisting thE Tax ManagErPrEparation and Submission of tax rEturn for all tax typEs... 67 days ago
SiG Labour Corporate
RELATIONSHIPS AND PERSONAL ACTIVITIES:DirEctly rEsponsiblE to GEnEral ManagErRElationship with: - VEhiclE manufacturErs, banks, insurancE companiEs &nbs... 73 days ago