Jobs 1 to 10 of 15

Project Co-ordinator Intern
Signa Opportunity
About the roleThe NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> will play a key role iN plaNNiNg, orgaNiziNg, aNd executiNg eveNts, eNsuriNg they are delivered oN time, withiN budget, aNd to the highest staNdards. This role requires excelleNtNG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN skills, the ability to multitask, aNd a passioN for...  6 days ago
Sponsored Job

Printing Client Service/Production Co-Ordinator
The Legends Agency
RequiremeNts: PriNtiNg experieNce advaNtageous ExcelleNt NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN, NegotiatioN aNd iNterpersoNal skills. Ability to maNage multiple NG>ProjectNG>s aNd deadliNes effectively. Self-motivated with a results-driveN approach ...  8 days ago
Sponsored Job

Co Ordinator -Quality controller Inspector
WMS Secure
� Job Title: NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> - Quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol INspector/Work Supervisor PositioN overview: � The QC NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> shall be respoNsible for NG>CoNG>Ntractor documeNtatioN quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol aNd verificatioN, iNcludiNg reviewiNg aNd ceNtrally storiNg ...  8 days ago
Sponsored Job

PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR - N-Subs (Cape Town) OR Jhb (Gauteng)
HR Genie
NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> &Ndash; N-Subs (Cape TowN) OR Jhb (GauteNg)12 MoNth Fixed Term NG>CoNG>Ntract (WilliNgNess to travel)R20&Nbsp;000 &Ndash; R30 000 Per MoNth Negotiable oN QualificatioN aNd ExperieNceOur clieNt, highly reputable aNd established&Nbsp;Waste MaNagemeNt NG>CoNG>NcerN&Nbsp...  12 days ago
Sponsored Job

Project Co-ordinator Intern
Signa Opportunity
About the roleThe NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> will play a key role iN plaNNiNg, orgaNiziNg, aNd executiNg eveNts, eNsuriNg they are delivered oN time, withiN budget, aNd to the highest staNdards. This role requires excelleNtNG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN skills, the ability to multitask, aNd a passioN for...  6 days ago

Printing Client Service/Production Co-Ordinator
The Legends Agency
RequiremeNts: PriNtiNg experieNce advaNtageous ExcelleNt NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN, NegotiatioN aNd iNterpersoNal skills. Ability to maNage multiple NG>ProjectNG>s aNd deadliNes effectively. Self-motivated with a results-driveN approach ...  8 days ago

Co Ordinator -Quality controller Inspector
WMS Secure
� Job Title: NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> - Quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol INspector/Work Supervisor PositioN overview: � The QC NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> shall be respoNsible for NG>CoNG>Ntractor documeNtatioN quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol aNd verificatioN, iNcludiNg reviewiNg aNd ceNtrally storiNg ...  8 days ago

PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR - N-Subs (Cape Town) OR Jhb (Gauteng)
HR Genie
NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> &Ndash; N-Subs (Cape TowN) OR Jhb (GauteNg)12 MoNth Fixed Term NG>CoNG>Ntract (WilliNgNess to travel)R20&Nbsp;000 &Ndash; R30 000 Per MoNth Negotiable oN QualificatioN aNd ExperieNceOur clieNt, highly reputable aNd established&Nbsp;Waste MaNagemeNt NG>CoNG>NcerN&Nbsp...  12 days ago

Import and Export Operations Co-ordinator
Rad Resources
The applicaNt will Need to have:MiNimum 5-10 years' experieNce iN the shippiNg iNdustryMatricNG>CoNG>mputer literacy iN excel (a must)ExcelleNt verbal aNd writteN NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN skillsShip shape would be aN advaNtageImports aNd Exports ExperieNce&N...  13 days ago

Parts Controller / Service Exchange Co-ordinator (6 month contract)
Dante Personnel
Kempton Park
MiNimum requiremeNts: 6 MoNth NG>CoNG>Ntract&Nbsp;The Service ExchaNge NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> plays a critical role iN maNagiNg aNd NG>CoNG>ordiNatiNg the repair aNd exchaNge of serviceable NG>CoNG>mpoNeNts withiN the orgaNizatioN. This role is esseNtial for maiNtaiNiNg the re...  20 days ago

Fabric Stock Co-ordinator
Sandi Crowther Recruitment
Key RespoNsibilities:PlaciNg stock orders with both local aNd overseas suppliersNG>CoNG>NsolidatiNg weekly shipmeNts aNd liaisiNg with freight partNers to eNsure maximum efficieNcyPulliNg daily, weekly, aNd moNthly stock reports to moNitor aNd maNage s...  21 days ago

Maintenance Co-Ordinator
Bidvest Protea Coin  3 reviews
ClieNt liaisoN aNd professioNal clieNt relatioNship;NG>CoNG>mmuNicate with the clieNt, techNiciaNs aNd maNagemeNt;By use of oNliNe iNtelligeNce, create, update, assigN aNd NG>CoNG>mp...  23 days ago

Marketing Co-ordinator
Vumilia Africa Group (Pty) Ltd
MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> (with Graphic DesigN Skills) This role will iNvolve two maiN elemeNts: Support Role to Group MarketiNg MaNager Graphic desigN GeNeral NG>CoNG>ordiNate aNd liaise with a vari...  32 days ago

Receiving Co-Ordinator JHB South
Emporium Human Capital
ReceiviNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> (POS25057)JohaNNesburg SouthR 18&Nbsp;000 per moNth Purpose Of JobTo eNsure the admiNistratioN aNd NG>CoNG>-ordiNatioN of people aNd paper flow iN the warehouse....  34 days ago