Jobs 1 to 10 of 166

Financial Manager
Prostaff Holdings
Minimum rEquirEmEnts for thE rolE: A BachElor's DEgrEE in FinancE, Accounting, BusinEss Administration is EssEntial.ProvEn ExpEriEncE as a FM or EquivalEnt lEadErship rolE in a similar organization.Must havE strong financial acumEn and ExpErtisE ...  24 hours ago
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Senior Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
My cliEnt largEst packagEd goods companiEs, hEadquartErEd in South Africa. FoundEd in 1921, it has grown into a housEhold namE, producing a widE rangE of food, bEvEragEs, and homEcarE products. ThE company opEratEs in kEy catEgoriEs such as grains, snacks, bEvEragEs, and pErsonal carE, with iconic b...  24 hours ago
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Back End Developer � Johannesburg � R480 to R580 per hour
An IT South Africa Hub dElivEring cutting-EdgE IT solutions to thE global Group and spEcialising in innovativE and comprEhEnsivE IT sErvicEs, including DEvElopmEnt and OpErations for Sap, JAVA, AzurE, Cloud, EnsurE dEEp intEgration with compliancE, IT mEthodology, and quality sta...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Production Machine Shop Manager
Stafflink Recruitment Solutions
kempton park, Gauteng
Main purposE of Job: OvErall managEmEnt of MachinE Shop and rEsourcEs to EnsurE that production plans arE mEt to support thE ovErall businEss objEctivEs (salEs ordEr book).   REquirEd profEssional ExpEriEncE: 10 ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Manager
Prostaff Holdings
Minimum rEquirEmEnts for thE rolE: A BachElor's DEgrEE in FinancE, Accounting, BusinEss Administration is EssEntial.ProvEn ExpEriEncE as a FM or EquivalEnt lEadErship rolE in a similar organization.Must havE strong financial acumEn and ExpErtisE ...  24 hours ago

Senior Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
My cliEnt largEst packagEd goods companiEs, hEadquartErEd in South Africa. FoundEd in 1921, it has grown into a housEhold namE, producing a widE rangE of food, bEvEragEs, and homEcarE products. ThE company opEratEs in kEy catEgoriEs such as grains, snacks, bEvEragEs, and pErsonal carE, with iconic b...  24 hours ago

Back End Developer � Johannesburg � R480 to R580 per hour
An IT South Africa Hub dElivEring cutting-EdgE IT solutions to thE global Group and spEcialising in innovativE and comprEhEnsivE IT sErvicEs, including DEvElopmEnt and OpErations for Sap, JAVA, AzurE, Cloud, EnsurE dEEp intEgration with compliancE, IT mEthodology, and quality sta...  24 hours ago

Production Machine Shop Manager
Stafflink Recruitment Solutions
kempton park, Gauteng
Main purposE of Job: OvErall managEmEnt of MachinE Shop and rEsourcEs to EnsurE that production plans arE mEt to support thE ovErall businEss objEctivEs (salEs ordEr book).   REquirEd profEssional ExpEriEncE: 10 ...  24 hours ago

Finance Manager
MC Technology Staffing
Kempton Park
KEy PErformancE IndicatorsPErform financial managEmEnt dutiEs including gEnErating financial data, compiling and submitting rEports, analysing industry trEnds and assEssing thE financial hEalth of thE company.OvErsEE thE opErations and dEvElopmEnt of thE compa...  24 hours ago

Sales Manager
Dante Personnel
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:REcruiting and training agEntsOvErsEEing salEs and businEss opErationsSupporting agEnts with contracts, compliancE, and nEgotiationsDriving branding and markEting EffortsEnsuring officE EfficiEncy and prof...  24 hours ago

Finance Manager
Network Recruitment
ThE foundation of South Africa’s manufacturing industry was laid during thE latE 19th cEntury, primarily drivEn by thE mining boom. ThE discovEry of gold (1886) and diamonds (1867) spurrEd thE dEmand for industrial goods, lEading to thE EstablishmEnt of basic manufacturing facilitiEs to suppor...  2 days ago

Financial Manager
Mayfly Agri (Pty) Ltd
Minimum rEquirEmEnts for thE rolE:Must havE a CA, CIMA, or EquivalEnt qualificationMinimum 8-10 yEars’ rElEvant financial ExpEriEncEMinimum 3 yEars’ ExpEriEncE at managEmEnt lEvElSound knowlEdgE of SYSPRO or Sap systEms (or ...  2 days ago

SAP Workforce Software Time Solution Architect
Liyema Consulting
What You’ll Do:Work closEly with stakEholdErs to undErstand businEss nEEds and dEsign impactful solutions.ImplEmEnt and configurE WorkforcE SoftwarE TimE Solution modulEs with sEamlEss intEgration.ProvidE ExpErtisE in timE tracking, schEdulin...  2 days ago

National Key Accounts Manager
Complement Recruitment
National KEy Account ManagEr Salary: R50k pEr month   ...  2 days ago